In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses his unique program,
"SHOP with the DOC!"
Having a health concern is directly related to the foods you eat and depending on the foods you eat, you may be feeding your health concern, or you could, with proper understanding, literally starve your health concern and actually have health.
Watch this video and strongly consider what you could learn that would help you feel better and be healthy as an individual and as a family.
Arrange for your Shop with the Doc experience and start to restore your health with the foods you eat.
Dr. Huntoon is pleased to announce a New Program he is offering to his current Practice Members and any prospective New Patients. It's called "Shop With The Doc" where individuals, a family or other small groups (limited to 5 in a group) can go to the grocery store or health food store and learn the following:
If you would like to take advantage of this unique service, contact Dr. Huntoon and arrange for your "Shop With The Doc" Session. Our phone number is 845-561-2225.