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Advanced Alternative Medicine Center

Advanced Alternative Medicine Center

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Please watch

Our Introductory Video 

to learn more about

What is Causing Your Health Concern  

This will answer many of your questions to get you ready for your Consultation with Dr. Huntoon.

Scroll down to read more and get a sense of the questions you will be asked.


Your Consultation with Dr. Huntoon

The importance of your time with Dr. Huntoon can not be underestimated.  This is your opportunity to discuss your health concern and have him understand how your condition is impacting your life, robbing you of life and stealing the joy you should be having in life.  Your health concern impacts your relationships, how you do things and the amount of happiness you experience in life.  Having Ideal Health is your GOD given Birth Right!!  Are you experiencing that?  If not, a Consultation with Dr. Huntoon is warranted. 

In your consultation, Dr. Huntoon will ask you questions related to:

  • How Long have you had your health concern?  Years, months, weeks, days, hours
  • When do you notice the pain or discomfort?  Does it come on with any movement, specific movements, when you stop moving, after sitting, only in the morning, only at the end of the day
  • What does the pain or discomfort feel like?  Sharp, dull, annoying, pointed, diffuse, aching, pulsing, on and off
  • What have you done to make it feel better?  Medication, massage, physical therapy, rest, ice, heat, over-the-counter medication, prescription medication
  • What do you do that makes it feel worse? Sitting, standing, bending, twisting, walking, laying down, lifting, driving, reaching, carrying
  • Does it impact your sleep? Trouble falling asleep, waking in the night, waking too early in the morning, not feeling refreshed when I wake
  • Does it interfere with your ability to exercise?  I have to modify my exercise, stop my exercise, exercise less
  • Does it interfere with your ability to do your job properly?
  • Does it interfere with your ability to conduct relations with your spouse or partner?
  • Knowing this is interfering with your happiness and ability to do your life, How does that make you feel?
  • Do you control your health challenge, OR is your health challenge controlling you?
  • Are you concerned that your problem may become worse?
  • What do you think your problem will be like without proper care in 3 months?  6 months? 1 year? 5 years?
  • How committed are you to addressing the CAUSE of your health concern?
  • Are you willing to do whatever it takes to restore your health and your happiness so you can get back to life?

If you do not like your answers to these questions, you need to do something to change this.  Doing the same thing will never allow you to be well.

Are you ready to make an appointment?

If so, please call the office at (845) 561-2225 and schedule your appointment with Dr. Huntoon.  We look forward to serving you!