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Health and Wellness  >>    Caffeine

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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the 4 Causes of ALL Health Concerns and what you should be aware of when making your health choices.  

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Caffeine                         Listen To Our Radio Show: Ask Dr. "Why?" 

Caffeine is a Stimulant Drug

Caffeine is currently the world's second most commonly used drug behind sugar. And because caffeine is present in so many common foods and drinks, it is easy to forget that it is a drug. It is even an ingredient in beverages and foods that are marketed to kids.

Caffeine is a stimulant drug -- it may surprise you to realize that this is the same type of drug as cocaine and meth, substances we think of as hard drugs. Stimulant drugs work partly by stimulating the sympathetic nervous system, which causes the same physical effects as the "fight or flight response" -- speeding up the heart and breathing, making you feel more alert, and increasing muscle tension. And when caffeine is consumed in large quantities, the side effects can range from unpleasant to severe, sometimes even resulting in caffeine overdose.

Even when caffeine is consumed in moderation, there is evidence that there are longer-term negative physical effects. This article gives an overview of both the short-term and longer-term effects of caffeine on the body.

The Effects of Caffeine on the Heart

Effects of Caffeine on the Heart

In simple terms, the stimulant effect of caffeine speeds up the heart rate. Research shows that the level of caffeine at which the heart rate is significantly affected is 360 milligrams, the equivalent of about three and a half cups of brewed coffee.

For most people who drink caffeine in moderation, this isn't necessarily harmful -- but for people who are prone to anxiety, this may increase the likelihood of panic reactions, because caffeine also increases anxiety, and people experiencing panic reactions often worry they are having a heart attack.

In higher doses, caffeine can cause more significant effects on the heart by changing the speed and regularity of your heartbeat. This is known as tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia, and can be serious. If you think your heartbeat is abnormal, check with your doctor.

It is unclear at the moment whether caffeine increases the risk of cardiovascular problems in the longer term. Several studies have indicated no increased risk for cardiovascular problems in either men or women related to caffeine intake, but current recommendations are that people who already have heart problems should avoid caffeine, as other studies show that these conditions can be exacerbated by caffeine and other stimulants.

This includes children with cardiovascular problems, who may be exposed to caffeine through soda and energy drinks.

Caffeine Effects on Blood pressure

Effects of Caffeine on Blood Pressure

Studies have conclusively shown that caffeine consumption raises blood pressure.

This effect of caffeine, known as the "pressor effect," is evident across age and gender groups, and is particularly pronounced in people with hypertension (high blood pressure).

If you are unsure of whether this applies to you, it is a simple process to have your blood pressure checked by your physician, and to get their advice on moderating your caffeine intake.

Caffeine Effects on Bone Density

Effects of Caffeine on Bone Density

High coffee consumption has been linked to osteoporosis in men and women.

Consumption of soft drinks in children is associated with lower bone mass, although this seems to be at least partially accounted for by those children who drink a lot of soft drinks also having a lower intake of milk.

In older women, several studies have shown a link between high caffeine intake and lower bone density, while in younger women, this seems of particular concern when the women use progesterone-only contraceptives such as depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, or Depo Provera.

Doc Rick's Final Words

Your Solution

If you know you have an addiction to caffeine, working with a Holistic Chiropractor who can help eliminate the addiction and restore your normal energy production would be prudent.  

I realize it may be impossible for you to completely stop caffeine in your diet.  What I can encourage you to do is become more aware of this toxic substance and make an effort to reduce and replace your caffeinated beverages with the best of all beverages created by GOD, water.  Consuming more of this and making that a priority will usually eliminate all the energy problems most American's have and allow you to begin feeling abundantly energetic.  

When you appreciate that 80 % of your brain is water, when your water levels go down, your brain and energy levels will follow along.  

Drink 1 quart of water for every 50 lbs. you weigh, every day and you will never have energy problems again.  

Gradually increase the water you drink until you get to that level over a 2 - 3 week process and your will feel the difference.  

And if you have questions, Please call (845)561-BACK or (845)561-2225 and set up a time for us to Consult and Evaluate you and the many Health Needs you or your family member may have.  Let us answer ALL your questions, most importantly, "WHY?" 

You deserve it and are certainly worth it.  Don't you think?

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