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Specific Health Concerns  >>    Cervical and Uterine Dysplasia

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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the most common health condition we have in our country...Dysbiosis within the Microbiome, Leaky Gut Syndrome and what causes it.

Most Doctor's Offices will never mention it because it is the foundational reason for all our health concerns.  And if the truth gets out about how it is created, that will lead to many angry people.

If you have this issue (AND YOU DO) it is important to work with a practitioner who can help you unwind it for the least amount of money and the least amount of difficulty. We can help you.

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Address Cervical/Uterine Dysplasia Click Here

Cervical and Uterine Dysplasia

Cervical dysplasia is a precancerous condition in which abnormal cell growth occurs on the surface lining of the cervix or endocervical canal, the opening between the uterus and the vagina. It is also called cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Strongly associated with sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, cervical dysplasia is most common in women under age 30 but can develop at any age.

Cervical dysplasia usually causes no symptoms, and is most often discovered by a routine Pap Test. The prognosis is excellent for women with cervical dysplasia who receive appropriate follow-up and treatment. But women who go undiagnosed or who don't receive appropriate care are at higher risk of developing cervical cancer.

Mild cervical dysplasia sometimes resolves without treatment, and may only require careful observation with Pap tests every three or six months. But moderate-to-severe cervical dysplasia -- and mild cervical dysplasia that persists for two years -- usually requires treatment to remove the abnormal cells and reduce the risk of cervical cancer.

What Causes Cervical Dysplasia in Women?

What Causes Cervical Dysplasia in Women

In many women with cervical dysplasia, HPV is found in cervical cells. HPV infection is common in women and men, and most often affects sexually active women under age 20.

In most cases, the immune system eliminates HPV and clears the infection. But in some women, the infection persists and leads to cervical dysplasia. Of the more than 100 different strains of HPV, more than one-third of them can be sexually transmitted, and two particular types -- HPV 16 and HPV 18 -- are strongly associated with cervical cancer.

HPV is usually passed from person to person during sexual contact such as vaginal intercourse, anal intercourse, or oral sex. But it also can be transmitted by any skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. Once established, the virus is capable of spreading from one part of the body to another, including the cervix.

Among women with a chronic HPV infection, smokers are twice as likely as nonsmokers to develop severe cervical dysplasia, because smoking suppresses the immune system.

Chronic HPV infection and cervical dysplasia are also associated with other factors that weaken the immune system, such as treatment with immunosuppressive drugs for certain diseases or after an organ transplant, or infection with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Read An Interesting Development and Insight below under Dr. Huntoon's Alternative Medicine Perspective BEFORE proceeding with advanced Medical Treatments and perhaps you can avoid all of them and return to health.  

Risk Factors of Cervical Dysplasia

Risk Factors

Persistent HPV infection is the most important risk factor for cervical dysplasia, especially moderate-to-severe cervical dysplasia.

In women, an increased risk of a persistent HPV infection is associated with:

  • Early initiation of sexual activity
  • Having multiple sex partners
  • Having a partner who has had multiple sex partners
  • Having sex with an uncircumcised man
  • Using different forms of Birth-Control that involve copper IUD's, creams, ointments, condoms, spermicides etc. that will alter the pH of the vaginal canal and perhaps the uterus.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Cervical Dysplasia

Diagnosis of Cervical Dysplasia

Because a pelvic exam is usually normal in women with cervical dysplasia, a Pap test is necessary to diagnose the condition.

Although a Pap test alone can identify mild, moderate, or severe cervical dysplasia, further tests are often required to determine appropriate follow-up and treatment. These include:

  • Repeat Pap tests
  • Colposcopy, a magnified exam of the cervix to detect abnormal cells so that biopsies can be taken
  • Endocervical curettage, a procedure to check for abnormal cells in the cervical canal
  • Cone biopsy or loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP), which are performed to rule out invasive cancer; during a cone biopsy, the doctor removes a cone-shaped piece of tissue for lab examination. During LEEP, the doctor cuts out abnormal tissue with a thin, low-voltage electrified wire loop.
  • HPV DNA test, which can identify the HPV strains which are known to cause cervical cancer.

Treatments for Cervical Dysplasia

The treatment of cervical dysplasia depends on many different factors, including the severity of the condition and the age of the patient. For mild cervical dysplasia, often only continued monitoring with repeat Pap tests is needed. For older women with mild cervical dysplasia, usually no treatment is needed unless mild cervical dysplasia has persisted for two years, progressed to moderate or severe cervical dysplasia, or there are other medical problems.

Treatments for cervical dysplasia include two of the procedures also used for diagnosis: cone biopsy or LEEP.

Other treatments include:

  • Cryosurgery (freezing)
  • Electrocauterization
  • Laser surgery

Because all forms of treatment are associated with risks such as heavy bleeding and possible complications affecting pregnancy, it's important for patients to discuss these risks with their doctor prior to treatment. After treatment, all patients require follow-up testing, which may involve repeat Pap tests in six and 12 months or an HPV DNA test. After follow-up, regular Pap tests are necessary.

Consider Dr. Huntoon's Advice below.

Dr. Huntoon's Alternative Medicine Perspective

Dr. Huntoon has spent 30 plus years understanding the importance of all disease, what causes sickness to begin and what it takes to be and stay healthy. It is his passion and he can and will help you understand how to restore balance to your GenitoUrinary System and your overall health.  Since Traditional Medical Treatment is to give the person medication for disease, instead of promoting health by supporting the body to heal and express health, consider what is said next.

Contact the office at (845)561-2225 for Dr. Huntoon's GenitoUrinary Balance Protocal to eliminate the cause of your frequent UTIs. 

An Interesting Development and Insight

A recent young woman came to my office with a complaint of an abnormal Pap Test and had a report of the biopsy (they did 4) results for her concern.  She really was not interested, nor was her husband, with what they wanted to do for her concern.  They wanted to have her come back in and do a scrapping of the area around her cervix and the entryway into the uterus.  They also wanted to do a more extensive exam and more biopsies of the area before offering a formal treatment plan.  

When she came to me for an evaluation, I noticed she had a specific weakness related to copper.  I wasn't clear on why there would be a weakness associated with copper to her uterus, but I treated what the body indicated and finished the process by understanding what she would need nutritionally to address her weakness and help the body heal.  And when I was done, I was still concerned with how she could develop a copper toxicity in her uterus?  So I asked her if she had ever used a IUD (Intra Uterine Device) as a form of birth control.  She said, "As a matter of fact I did have an IUD for a few months recently, I didn't like how it made me feel and I wasn't in agreement with having it inserted to begin with.  So I had them remove it a couple of months ago, before I was told I had Cervical Dysplasia and would need to come back for more testing before they could recommend care."

My theory is, placing a toxic heavy metal device into a part of the body that has rapid cellular turnover would naturally cause the cells to have a higher degree of cellular turnover, what they call dysplasia.  It will be nice to watch her heal over the next couple of months (we ask for 90 days) and then have her Pap Test repeated.  I suspect her tissue will have returned to normal after taking Dr. Huntoon's Nutritional Protocol for Cervical Dysplasia.  I look forward to her outcome and she is excited for resolution of her concern.  

Restoring Balance To The System

If you have taken antibiotics in the past for ANY Bacterial Infection Treatment, it is also of important to understand the Digestive System Disruptors that will contribute to having problems with your microbiome, thus leading to Leaky Gut Syndrome, thus creating the basis for developing health concerns you do not want.   

Similar to Yeast/Candida overgrowth, those who are susceptible to Cervical Dysplasia may have recurrence after treatment. It is advised to adopt a long-term diet that is low in carbohydrates and especially refined CRAPohydrates.

Medical Advice on How To Prevent Cervical Dysplasia

Medical Prevention of Cervical Dysplasia

Women can lower their risk of cervical dysplasia by avoiding the high-risk sexual behaviors associated with HPV infection, such as early sexual initiation and having multiple sexual partners. Sexually active women whose male partners correctly use condoms during every sexual encounter may have up to a 70% reduced risk of HPV infection.

Other preventive measures include avoiding smoking and following the American Cancer Society guidelines for the early detection of cervical cancer, which recommend that every woman should begin cervical cancer screening at age 21.

Three vaccines -- Gardasil, Gardasil-9, and Cervarix -- have been approved by the FDA to help prevent infection with some types of HPV, including the types that cause most cases of cervical cancer. 

According to guidelines endorsed by the CDC and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, boys and girls both should be vaccinated between ages 11 and 12 before they become sexually active; those between ages 13 and 26 who have not yet received the vaccine should also be vaccinated. 

Dr. Huntoon's Advice

Reading the Medical Advice and injecting each child, male or female, with a vaccine that prevents "some types" of HPV seems a little bit extreme.  Especially if the body, under normal circumstances will clear the virus on its own.  And if it only addresses "some types" of HPV and not "ALL types," then it seems like the treatment is incomplete. 

And I understand their motivation and the financial windfall that is waiting for the pharmaceutical companies that make the vaccine.  When State and Federal Politicians are involved with investing in the company that manufactures the vaccine, it seems like there is a little conflict of interest when their financial benefit is tied to their mandating for this vaccine.  It makes you wonder if there is any truth to the recommendation.  Something to consider BEFORE blindly accepting the advice offered by your medical doctor.  

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Dr. Huntoon directly at 845-561-2225.  He looks forward to serving you.