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My Child's Health  >>  Immune System Health

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In this video Dr. Huntoon discusses the main contributor to Immune System health for children and adults

The choices you make for your child's health has long term affects. Consider that when thinking about giving them prescription medication.

We are here to support you when you are ready.

To Request an Action Plan to Address Child Immune System Issues Click Here

The Immune System

During the second half of the first year of life (MONTHS 6 - 12), the Immune System is really important for your baby's state of health. The most visits to doctors, Holistic or Traditional Allopathic, stems from recurrent problems and most of the medication given to babies revolve around Immune System issues. Babies get into all sorts of trouble because of their Immune Systems. They get sick too often, they develop mysterious forms of congestion, allergies, and persistent coughs and wheezing.  And ALL these problems, if left untreated, can and often do persist for years. Yet the treatment of these problems is relatively simple. Their cure is within reach, and so much needless suffering and many sleepless nights can be saved with a few interventions. Even though the assessment of causes and the evaluation of the Immune-System breakdown can be complicated, just instituting some simple steps can reverse a downward spiral that has frustrated parents for months.
Traditional Medical Treatment Options and Diagnosis

Many times you will bring your child to the doctor and the result will be a medication of some sort, most likely an antibiotic.  Although this may be proper for a bacterial infection, it is not appropriate for any other cause. Unfortunately, looking for the cause may be prohibitive. Viruses will clear in a couple of days and congestion from previous rounds of antibiotics would not warrant another antibiotic.  So most medical practitioners will now simply play the "wait and see what develops" game.  This may be to your child's benefit and it may lead to deeper problems.  Either way, if your child has taken an antibiotic, restoring proper balance within their digestive tract would be important. Correct the damage done to the digestive tract and restore its normal function is often the first step to health because most immune function originates in the gut.  Using probiotics and prebiotics under your Holistic Chiropractor's supervision is a must. This will establish a healthy environment. Given a few nutrients for healthy digestive function will help to heal any damage done to cells of the intestinal lining. Supporting immune mechanisms with vitamin D, fish oil, colostum, will provide nourishment, prevent inflammation and build immune system strength.

Medicines Two Choices for You

Dr. Huntoon's Alternative Medical Treatment Options

Give your baby the best diet possible. Whenever possible, breastfeed for at least the first year. Feed your baby organic, whole foods free from petrochemicals and pesticides. Prepare your own fresh foods and juices as much as you can, and avoid processed and packaged foods, including juices and baby foods in jars. 

After the first 18 months, consider starting a probiotic for your child's overall health.  This will help digestion, prevent mucous and allow for proper development of the Immune System to continue.  This is vital for the long-term health and welfare of your child. 

Your Solution

Providing proper nutrition and supporting the Immune System represents an excellent preventative program for all babies. Developing a Holisitc healing plan with the help of a qualified Holistic Health professional such as a Holistic Chiropractor will improve your baby's immune function and resolve the range of problems you may face as the child grows up.

Dr. Huntoon loves working with children and finds it very rewarding to teach children what they want to know about being and staying healthy.  Parents appreciate his approach and get so much out of his recommendations.  This also helps create less upset in the house when needing to make dietary changes the child may be resistant to.  Having heard the information from Dr. Huntoon, the child is more likely to police the parent, instead of the parent enforcing it on the child.  This becomes a major win-win when raising a healthy child(ren).

Feel free to call Dr. Huntoon for his advice to help you raise a healthy child and consider listening to our radio show at the top of this page for more helpful advice.