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Do you suffer with Chronic Health concerns? Perhaps you have an acute health issue and you've already been to your doctor.
Are you hesitant to take the prescribed medication?
Are you being told you need surgery and the thought of that scares you?
Are you considering another way; a more natural way without medication?
Watch this video where Dr. Huntoon discusses the 4 Causes of ALL Health Concerns and what your doctor may have missed when evaluating your health.
Having discussed in a past issue of Dr. Huntoon's Newsletter entitled Antibiotics and You, and the conditions that result as a bi-product of intaking those Antibiotics, I thought it would be important to help you fully understand the ramifications of having taken the antibiotics and the main resulting condition, and then, how to heal yourself of its effects. I will pick up where we left off.
When one takes an Antibiotic, it causes an imbalance within the digestive flora (healthy bacteria) that naturally occurs in your Intestinal System. What results from this imbalance is the body now tries to function without the vital component of bacteria that is necessary for the normal digestion and assimilation of your food material. This of course will lead to improper digestion and Leaky Gut Syndrome as a result of the upset digestive flora from one of the Digestive System Disruptors.
Lets face it. If you can't digest your food properly, you can't expect your body to be healthy. This is similar to your car not running properly if your gas filter is clogged. Along the same lines, a person can put the highest quality food in their body, but if the filters for absorbing the vital nutrients are dirty, clogged or aren't functioning properly, the same issue will occur. The body will malfunction and have poor health.
Another possibility is a person could have clean filters yet eat poor quality food; they too will develop health issues.
It all comes back to digesting, absorbing and assimilating the proper ingredients in a balanced, healthy fashion. Without this, you will develop health problems from deficiencies in nutrition and lead a miserable existence. And if you don't know this to be true yet, ask someone with health problems and see what you learn. You'll find them to be miserable. But this misery is not necessary.
After The Problem Begins
To fully appreciate this, health of your physical body stems from two components.
Not the man-made, Completely Refined And Processed (aka CRAP foods) foods that have been artificially "Enriched" foods most consume in today's society.
Without the first part, you'll lack the necessary building blocks for good, strong and healthy function.
And without the second part, you can't expect the body to be able to process those vital ingredients and give you the health they would naturally create.
It is because of the second part of this equation (properly functioning digestion and elimination), and the health imbalances that are so pervasive in our country, that I want to teach you about your assimilation and elimination systems.
Proper Digestion and Assimilation
To assimilate your food in a proper way, it requires the following:
As mentioned, if this part of the assimilation doesn't occur, the rest of the system is irrelevant. Having discussed the condition of Dysbiosis, or lack of balanced digestive flora, in a past issue entitled, "Sugar and Your Immune System", please click on and refer to that previous issue.
The resultant toxins associated with the Immune response generated will then head to the Liver for final breakdown.
What This Means To You
You have 6 Main Filters in the body. 3 Internal and 3 External.
The Internal Filters:
The External Filters: Collectively these are known as the Metal Element
Having these health concerns is no fun and yet they are the "bread and butter" of the health care industry. If you remove the potential for developing these health issues, it will tip the scales in Your Favor, and cause the health care industry to have its own healthcare issues. When you appreciate that ALL Medication Disrupts the Digestive System and then is processed by the Liver, it makes it easy to see why we have the health issues we have in this country.
Most Important For Your To Understand
Never do any sort of cleansing program without proper supervision. Purchasing a cleansing program off the internet or through an infomercial, or even buying one from a health food store off the shelf WITHOUT HAVING A HEALTH EVALUATION BEFORE beginning any program, no matter how simple it sounds will lead to BAD HEALTH OUTCOMES. I cannot emphasize this enough.
I have had people in the past choose to do a store bought program without supervision who have ended up in the emergency-room because it was the wrong time of year and the program they administered to themselves was not appropriate for their specific health concerns. What you don't know CAN hurt you and you can put yourself in a very difficult place by doing things without full understanding of what you are doing, in spite of your best intentions.
My Offer To You
Working with a Holistic Chiropractor who understands the importance of Detoxification and how to deliver and monitor a specific program tailored to the person doing the program based on their current and past health history is most important. You can certainly do any program at any time of year, but without proper supervision and understanding of the rhythms of the body, the chances of hurting yourself without knowing for 6 - 12 months later is a high liklihood.
This is most important before beginning any program:
This will make sure to deliver the best results based on the individual versus applying a generalized program with no defined results.
Our Experience
Here at the office, I have spent the better part of the last 25 years gathering and perfecting the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program we offer.
Having done the program 4 times myself, and I am well versed in how to get the most out of the program.
If you suspect that your elimination system is lacking in some way, why not take the time to clean out your garbage.
Stop into the office and tell me you want to Take Out The Garbage and Detoxify yourself. Ask me to go over the newly revised program with you and take the time to see what's involved. I can tell you where to shop for the necessary foods, and can discuss the costs involved with the program.
For Your Consideration
Why not take the time necessary to clean out your body, especially if you suffer from any of the above mentioned health conditions?
We spend so much time cleaning all the other aspect of our lives, from our homes, to our cars, to our clothes. Why not our body?
When was the last time, if ever, when you cleaned out your Elimination Systems?
Call the Office today and take advantage of the body's Natural Spring Cleaning Energy. Now is the BEST Time of year to do a Detox. As nature is growing and expanding, so are your body's systems. Take advantage of this natural time and help your body to clean itself out. Call the Office and tell us you want to do this. You will never be the same if you take the time to help your body by doing this program. For those of you who want to get on board and act quickly, I will throw in a FREE copy of the Newly Revised Detoxification Program with the purchase of the other detox products. That's a $30.00 value. This is my gift to you for taking action.
Let us know you are responding to the offer from the newsletter, and I will make the necessary cost adjustment. This offer expires April 30th. Once the date passes, the offer will be gone until next Detoxification Season. That's a whole year!
Call the Office Today at 561-2225 and tell us to get the package together for you.