Specific Health Concern >> Digestive Problems
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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses digestive issues, the underlying cause of these concerns and what you need to know if you are going to overcome yours.
Digestive Concerns are a source of many destroyed lives. Do not let your condition control your life. Do not give up and accept your condition because your Doctor has made you believe there is nothing that can be done.
There is ALWAYS things that can be done.
If you are ready to address your Digestive Problems, give us a call and we will help you.
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Address Digestive Problems Click Here
Digestive symptoms include a wide variety of symptoms that affect the digestive or gastrointestinal system.
The Gastrointestinal System includes the throat, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.
Common Digestive Symptoms include:
OF NOTE: ALL of these symptoms listed above indicate a Gallbladder issue.
What other symptoms might occur with digestive symptoms?
Digestive symptoms may be accompanied by symptoms in other body systems depending on the underlying disease, disorder or condition.
Symptoms can result from gastrointestinal or digestive conditions or from problems of other body systems. Problems with
can all lead to digestive problems.
Since the problem may not be with the digestive system at all, treatments focusing on it will prove ineffective in curing the underlying cause of your symptoms.
Other symptoms that may occur along with digestive symptoms include:
Serious symptoms that might indicate a life-threatening condition
In some cases, digestive symptoms may occur with other symptoms that might indicate a serious or life-threatening condition. If you experience these symptoms along with digestive problems you should immediately seek emergency medical attention. If you, or someone you are with, is experiencing any of these symptoms Seek immediate medical care (call 911):
Digestive symptoms have many possible underlying causes.
General conditions that can cause Digestive symptoms include:
The most common underlying cause for digestive symptoms is the ingestion of antibiotics. Antibiotics are often prescribed as a result of medical treatment to fight infection, or as a preventative such as before seeing a Dentist.
Antibiotics can also be ingested by eating common meat products such as beef, chicken, eggs and fish. These animals are often treated with or fed antibiotics to keep them healthy before harvesting. These antibiotics can then remain in the meat which, upon consumption, can lead to digestive problems. For this reason organic, grass fed, or free-range sources of meat are preferred.
Gastrointestinal causes of Digestive symptoms
Other causes of digestive symptoms include:
Life-threatening causes of digestive swelling
In some cases, digestive symptoms may accompany a serious or life-threatening condition that should be immediately evaluated in an emergency setting. These include:
What are the potential complications of digestive symptoms?
In some cases, digestive symptoms can lead to serious complications, especially if the underlying disease or condition is untreated or poorly managed. Once the underlying cause is identified, you can help minimize your risk of serious complications by following the treatment plan you and your health care professional design specifically for you. Complications include:
Medicines Two Choices for You
Working closely with a Holistic Chiropractor can help you develop a well-rounded, multifaceted approach to addressing your digestive concerns and cravings. With proper treatment many of the causes of digestive discomfort can be managed or even eliminated. Beyond just physical causes, emotions can contribute to digestive symptoms. This can commonly be seen with stress causing people to feel sick, engage in binge eating, or eat comfort foods they know to be bad for them. By working with a Holistic Chiropractor who practices Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET), they will be able to help you treat the underlying emotional problems and alleviate the discomfort. For more information on NET, go to www.netmindbody.com Also consider working with an Acupuncturist, Homeopath or Naturopath to develop a lifestyle that can support and manage your digestive problems.
Finally developing a healthy life-style with proper guidance from your Holistic Chiropractor is the best prevention. Asking questions about what you can do to develop a Preventative mindset is important.
Digestive symptoms can vary greatly in character and severity depending on the underlying disease, disorder or condition.
Depending on the cause, digestive symptoms can last a short time and disappear quickly, such as symptoms that occur during a single episode of indigestion.
Digestive symptoms can also persist or recur over a longer period of time, such as when due to colorectal cancer or Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Digestive symptoms that are associated with dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, bloody stool, or major rectal bleeding can indicate a serious, potentially life-threatening condition. Seek immediate medical care (call 911) if you, or someone you are with, have any of these symptoms. Seek prompt medical care if your symptoms are persistent, recur, or cause you concern.
Dr. Huntoon has quite the track record of helping people overcome their digestive problems. He specializes in helping SOLVE these challenging health imbalances by addressing the CAUSATIVE factors associated with your digestive concerns. When you are ready to address your concern fully, call Dr. Huntoon for your consultation and examination.
Angelo Vasapollia
5 STAR Review 5 months ago-
" Dr. Huntoon always explains in depth what is going on wrong with your body. I have Crohn's Disease and Dr. Huntoon helped me feel better and got my body back in the norm. Something the Medical Doctors couldn't do. If you have any health problems he is the man to see."
With digestive problems proper prevention is much more effective than trying to cure the damage after the fact. Therefore you should eat a proper nutritionally balanced diet everyday while minimizing foods that upset your system. Drinking plenty of water is vital to stay hydrated as dehydration can also cause or worsen stomach problems.
Avoid unhealthy foods, or foods that are known to cause problems with your system. If you are on, or about to start antibiotic therapy speak with your Holistic Chiropractor for advice on a proper probiotic regimen. A probiotic regimen will help prevent or alleviate digestive problems stemming from the effects of antibiotics on your system.