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Health and Wellness  >>    Do You Give Your Power Away?

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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the 4 Causes of ALL Health Concerns and what you should be aware of when making your health choices.  

When you have a health concern, the most important thing you could understand BEFORE beginning care is


Do Not begin care until you have an answer to that very important question.

When you are ready for help, we are here to serve you.  We look forward to it!

To Request an Action Plan to Address ALL Your Health Concerns Click Here

How Do You Give Your Power Away?                        Listen To Our Radio Show: Ask Dr. "Why?" 

We are all guilty of it

We give our attention to something we are unhappy with, uncomfortable with, do not like, or would prefer not to experience.  We all have thought about the "worst case scenario" and even gone as far as making contingencies for what we would do if the "worst" happened.  My question relates to how much time during our day, week or month do we spend time thinking about and focusing on other people's concerns when we do not have any control over what will ultimately happen for them?  It becomes a HUGE ENERGY DRAIN! 

I'm sure, if you are like many, you do it and are not even aware that you are doing it. 

Understanding that you do it, becoming aware of it, acknowledging it is the first step to changing that energy drain.  And by changing that energy drain through eliminating it, this will create the basis for improving your health and giving you abundant energy to focus on those things you do have control over and can affect in your favor.  It will create the basis for life improvement vs. continuing to live lives of struggle and putting out fires everyday.  It will eliminate the destructive and degenerative emotions of worry, fear and paralyzed will.  It will set the tone for more happiness, more joy and more laughter. 

Laughter....this is what we all used to do freely and openly as children. 

Look about you and see the children in our lives without a care that concerns them.  They make up games, they always play, and they enjoy their time doing just about anything.  They are in learning mode and understanding mode.  They experiment.  They have ideas, brilliant ideas that they never consider could not occur.  They live in a world of fantasy and inspiration, being a creative being, expressing from their heart, their true heart's desire.  They approach life with passion and enthusiasm and create results that make them happy.  They live the life we are all meant to live.  And they do this when we leave them alone and simply allow them to "be."  When was the last time you did that for yourself.  I imagine, if you are like most, you have not done it since you were a kid.  And that is far too long to go without that passion for creativity.

So What Happened To You?

So what happened to you? 

What happened to all of us? 

When did we lose that spark for life? 

When did we stop believing in our dreams and get tied to a life that literally "sucks" the energy right out of us. 

When did we unconsciously choose to continuously feed our Huge Energy Drain?

More importantly, What can we do about it?  

What CAN You Do?

There is plenty we can do;

all of us can do. 

It simply requires you, as an individual, to acknowledge you are having a concern with your Power and that you give more away to other people and circumstances you have no control over AND you would like to take your Power back. 

You would like to stop draining and start filling. 

That is the first step. 

And once you choose to stop and change, I can help you determine which people or circumstances you are losing your Power to and help you develop a plan to close those links and help you take your Power back in a way that helps you change your life. 

Stop leading a life where you give away your Power.  

Start living a life where you harness your Power and direct it in a way that

  • makes you happy;
  • makes you healthy;
  • makes you live a life of play. 

Makes you feel like a kid again, all vibrant, creative and passionately directing your life to your true desired outcome.

The Medical Perspective

The Medical Perspective

Traditional Allopathic Treatment for this concern is using prescription medication.  

Whether it is

  • anxiety medication,
  • depression medication,
  • Attention Deficit Disorder medication or similar,

by unplugging you from your awareness of your life and how challenging it is, that is the medical solution.  

They will never help you get to the source of your concern.

Your Solution and Doc Rick's Final Words

Your Solution

Dr. Huntoon has spent his whole life empowering people to take control of their life. Having 30 years of treating patients and knowing how to unwind the reason for giving your power away will help put you back in control of yourself and your life.  We look forward to serving you.

If you find you do give your power away, working with a Holistic Chiropractor can help you develop a plan to remedy that.  If this interests you because you give your power away all the time, simply call the office and schedule some time with me to discuss your awareness of your energy drain.  Through the methods and techniques I use in my office, we will identify where your losing energy (the people and circumstances within your life), why you are losing your energy to them (your core belief system), figure out what it requires for you to stop the energy loss, and then develop a plan you can put into your life to change your results by creating new core beliefs.  And then your life doesn't have to "suck" anymore.  In fact, we can make it become more fulfilling.  Creating strong new core belief systems is the basis for making your life change for the better. 

Come begin the journey into "Unity Consciousness" by developing new ways of thinking and functioning that allow you to experience new outcomes.  Do not continue to have your life circumstances "suck" the life right out of you.  Come claim what was always yours and you never gave yourself permission to experience.  Come learn the reasons why and let's begin to change that for you. 

The life you were born to live is waiting for you.  You get to make the first step.  Call the Office and ask for the "Time to Change My Destiny" consultation.  Your Life and I are waiting.

Please call (845)561-BACK or (845)561-2225 and set up a time for us to Consult and Evaluate you and the many Health Needs you or your family member may have.  

You deserve it and are certainly worth it.  Don't you think?

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