Chronic/Pain Conditions >> Fibromyalgia
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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the underlying CAUSE of Fibromyalgia that your medical doctor does not address.
Dr. Huntoon has fixed Fibromyalgia in many patients over the years and would love to help you restore your life.
When you are ready, we are here to help.
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Address Fibromyalgia Click Here
Fibromyositis; Fibrositis
Fibromyalgia is a common syndrome in which a person has long-term, body-wide pain and tenderness in the joints, muscles, tendons, and other soft tissues.
Fibromyalgia has also been linked to
Pain in the main symptom of fibromyalgia. It may be mild to severe.
Painful areas are called tender points. Tender points are found in the soft tissue on the back of the neck, shoulders, chest, lower back, hips, shins, elbows, and knees. The pain then spreads out from these areas.
The pain may feel like a deep ache, or a shooting, burning pain.
The joints are not affected, although the pain may feel like it is coming from the joints.
People with fibromyalgia tend to wake up with body aches and stiffness. For some patients, pain improves during the day and gets worse at night. Some patients have pain all day long.
Pain may get worse with activity, cold or damp weather, anxiety, and stress.
Fatigue, depressed mood, and sleep problems are seen in almost all patients with fibromyalgia. Many say that they can't get to sleep or stay asleep, and they feel tired when they wake up.
Other symptoms of fibromyalgia may include:
Signs and Tests
To be diagnosed with fibromyalgia, you must have had at least 3 months of widespread pain, and pain and tenderness in at least 11 of 18 areas, including:
Blood and urine tests are usually normal. However, tests may be done to rule out other conditions that may have similar symptoms.
The cause from a Traditional Medical Perspective is unknown. This is why your doctor will offer you continuous treatment with no end to the different medications they will be willing to "try." Medicine feels possible causes or triggers of fibromyalgia include:
What is well known within the Alternative Medicine field is that Fibromylagia is caused by the ME 150 Virus and can be treated quite well for full resolution to Fibromyalgia.
Fibromyalgia is most common among women aged 20 to 50.
The following conditions may be seen with fibromyalgia or mimic its symptoms:
Traditional Medical treatment will offer different medications. You may be asked to try more that one before your doctor will settle on the one they feel will address your symptoms. If these treatments do not work, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant or muscle relaxant.
The goal of medication is to improve sleep and pain tolerance. It will never address the underlying cause of the fibromyalgia.
Medicine should be used along with exercise and behavior therapy. Duloxetine (Cymbalta), pregabalin (Lyrica), and milnacipran (Savella) are medications that are approved specifically for treating fibromyalgia.
However, many other drugs are also used to treat the condition, including:
Possible Side-Effects: WARNING
When taking medication for your condition or any condition, it is important to do some research to understand for yourself the different side-effects you may experience when taking your prescription. It is important to have a complete picture so you can determine if the side-effects associated with treatment are acceptable. You may find the medications begin to create other health issues that will also need to be addressed.
Consider Dr. Huntoon's Alternative Treatment before committing to a life-time of medication and all their side-effects.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is an important part of treatment.
This therapy helps you learn how to:
Support groups may also be helpful.
Other recommendations include:
Severe cases of fibromyalgia may require a referral to a pain clinic.
Medicines Two Choices for You
Dr. Huntoon has worked with hundreds of patients over the years who have been told they have "fibromyalgia." Truthfully, some did and some did not. Evaluating each person for the ME 150 Virus has proven to be confirmation of the condition and each person was treated appropriately. This has and continues to be a true solution for this difficult condition.
Karen Forshay
5 STAR Review - 3 years ago-
Having this condition is not fun at all. Being motivated to look for non-conventional forms of treatment is warranted.
Knowing that the ME 150 Virus is the underlying cause of this condition and having a true solution for this condition is vital for restoring true health. Working with a Holistic Chiropractor will offer benefits, as using a well-rounded, multifaceted approach to address the underlying cause and all the other imbalances within the person is required to move beyond this diagnosis. This has demonstrated positive results when sticking to a specific treatment plan for each individual. Discussing what is involved and the time commitment necessary to having a full recovery is warranted.
Others have benefited by using Acupuncture, Homeopathy or Naturopathy when following the treatment guidelines set up by your practitioner and you. Discussing what is involved and the time commitment necessary to having a full recovery is warranted here too.
The next type of treatment may involve:
Other than addressing the ME 150 Virus directly, there is a new, ground-breaking technique called Neurologic Relief Centers Technique (NRCT) which addresses a common underlying contributor of Fibromyalgia known as Meningeal Compression. This technique is currently only available through Certified Practitioners who have been trained in NRCT and who are listed on the NRCT Website at Please go to this website and review the information and videos and locate a practitioner near you to help you see if this revolutionary technique can be the solution to your fibromyalgia.
Expectations (prognosis)
Fibromyalgia may be a long-term disorder when treating the symptoms medically. Sometimes, the symptoms improve. Other times, the pain may get worse and continue for months or years.
When using NRCT, if you are a candidate for this form of treatment, resolution of your fibromyalgia can be achieved. Go to to see videos and testimonials of people who have benefited when using NRCT for their fibromyalgia.
Calling your Health Care Provider
Call your health-care provider if you have symptoms of fibromyalgia.
There is no known prevention from a medical perspective.
If you treat the ME 150 Virus by consulting with a Holistic Chiropractor who understands how to address this, full resolution can and has been achieved.
If using NRCT, people who have gone through the FREE Testing and are candidates for NRC treatment have restored their body back to balance and no longer suffer with the condition of fibromyalgia.
Go to to see videos and testimonials of people who have benefited when using NRCT for their fibromyalgia.
Developing a healthy life-style with proper guidance from your Holistic Chiropractor is the best prevention when considering how to approach your fibromyalgia and your health.