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Advanced Alternative Medicine Center

Advanced Alternative Medicine Center

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Dr. Richard A. Huntoon has published 3 books


  • When Your Health Matters: Using Your Body's Natural Rhythms To Restore Your Health  2009  www.LuLu.com


In Dr. Huntoon's First book, he takes the Chinese 5 Elements of Health and applies the information in an easy to follow month by month layout to allow the reader to jump into the book based on the month they find themselves in.  By applying the information one month at a time, over the course of one year, the reader will begin to transform their health.  By continuing to apply the information going forward, each month and each year their health will continue to improve.


  • When Your Health Matters: Using Your Body's Natural Rhythms To Restore Your Health  2010  www.LuLu.com


  • SPECIAL REVISED ADDITION With New Must read Sections on
    • Natural Remedies In The Support Of A Diagnosis Of Cancer
    • How To Raise A Healthy Child
    • How To Buy Shoes To Support Your Health


In this second edition of Dr. Huntoon's original book, he continues to refine his message and ads 3 new sections to help the reader to help others with their understandings of how to restore their health.


  • Make a QUANTUM LEAP in Your Consciousness on the Road To ASCENSION  2011   www.AuthorHouse.com 

In this book, Dr. Huntoon takes his over 20 years of experience helping people and focuses in on the reasons why someone "sabotages" their life with the choices they make from their Unconscious Mind.  By helping a person identify why they keep making the same mistakes and winding up in the same place, no matter how much they change the components of their life (people, jobs, living arrangements), Dr. Huntoon leads the reader through a self-discovery process to help them identify their core beliefs and helps them identify what it takes to change them for a more ideal life.   Making a Quantum Leap in Your Consciousness helps you jump out of your current life to a more ideal life that you now know how to continuously upgrade at your own pace.  

Radio Show on Quantum Leap and How It Will Help You  

All are available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble