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Other  >>  I Thought Antibiotics Were Safe?

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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the effects antibiotics has on your health and the health of your family members.

Listen to our radio show on Antibiotics and You, or scroll down to read the full article.

When your health becomes important, know that this health imbalance must be addressed to restore your health.

This is an absolute MUST!

Call our Office When You're Ready To Learn and the Heal.

To Request an Action Plan to Address Antibiotics and You Click Here

I Thought Antibiotics Were Safe?                               Consider Shop With The Doc 

If so, what is the harm in prescribing them?

All Medicines Have Side-Effects, Including Antibiotics.

Because few antibiotics are highly specific, they not only destroy the "bad" bacteria, but also kill many of the beneficial bacteria that inhabit the body. These good bacteria play a critical role in maintaining general health and preventing disease-causing organisms from establishing a foothold.  The proper balance within the Microbiome becomes paramount if you want to be healthy and remain healthy.  
Serious, potentially fatal antibiotic-associated infections remain a major concern in hospitals, and thus antibiotic use is monitored carefully. IV antibiotics, such as those sometimes promoted for treating symptoms attributed to things like Chronic Lyme Disease, require lines and catheters that present an avenue for dangerous secondary infections to get into the body and take hold.
Patients also risk negative and sometimes serious reactions to the antibiotics themselves.
  • In the first studies, 25 percent of the patients in the treatment group experienced study-related adverse events (New Engl J Med 345:85-92, 2001).
  • In the clinical trial looking at cognitive function (how a person's brain works in the way of thinking and remembering), six patients experienced serious adverse events, four of whom required hospitalization (Neurology 60:1923-30, 2003).
  • In the most recent trial for cognitive improvement, 26 percent of patients given IV therapy experienced adverse events compared with 7 percent for the IV placebo group (Neurology 70(13):992-1003, 2008).
In addition to personal safety concerns, unnecessary antibiotic use contributes to the serious, growing problem of antimicrobial resistance. Overuse of antibiotics has led to many bacteria developing resistance to the very drugs doctors once used to combat them.
Common Conditions Caused By Antibiotics
Because antibiotics destroy the beneficial bacteria needed by the body to digest your food, what results from taking antibiotics will be a digestive Yeast/Candidia imbalance which will then lead to

Please consider this before taking an antibiotic without having your doctor confirm that your symptoms are being caused by a bacteria.  Without a culture, there is no way to know if you are dealing with a true bacterial infection, or if your symptoms are due to a different cause such as a virus or other pathogen.

The Problem With Antibiotics

The Problem with Antibiotics

In September 2003, the CDC re-launched a program started in 1995 called “Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work.”(55) This $1.6 million campaign is designed to educate patients about the overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics.

Most people involved with alternative medicine have known about the dangers of antibiotic overuse for decades. Finally the government is focusing on the problem, yet it is spending only a minuscule amount of money on an iatrogenic epidemic that is costing billions of dollars and thousands of lives.

  • The CDC warns that 90% of upper respiratory infections, including children's ear infections, are viral and that antibiotics do not treat viral infection.
  • More than 40% of about 50 million prescriptions for antibiotics written each year in physicians' offices are inappropriate.(2)
  • Using antibiotics when not needed can lead to the development of deadly strains of bacteria that are resistant to drugs and cause more than 88,000 deaths due to hospital-acquired infections.(9)


The CDC, however, seems to be blaming patients for misusing antibiotics even though they are available only by prescription from physicians. According to Dr. Richard Besser, head of “Get Smart”: 

"Programs that have just targeted physicians have not worked. Direct-to-consumer advertising of drugs is to blame in some cases.” Besser says the program “teaches patients and the general public that antibiotics are precious resources that must be used correctly if we want to have them around when we need them. Hopefully, as a result of this campaign, patients will feel more comfortable asking their doctors for the best care for their illnesses, rather than asking for antibiotics."(56)

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

70 percent of ALL the Antibiotics Manufactured in the United States are Put into our Food Supply. 
They are given to the live-stock that ultimately becomes our food: 
  • chicken,
  • beef,
  • pig,
  • lamb,
  • turkey,
  • pork,
  • milk, etc. 

So if you are eating any of these foods, you have the problem I discuss below. 


What If I Am A Vegan/Vegetarian?

You may think that because you are a vegetarian or even a vegan that you are immune to this, simply because you do not eat these foods.  And you would be wrong. 
Appreciate that the effects of antibiotics used in our live-stock have found there way into the water tables.  What this means is the plants growing from the ground have also been affected, and when we consume these products, we also develop the imbalance I discuss below.  Besides, chances are you were not always a vegetarian or a vegan growing up.  And if you have not applied the Solution discussed below, you have the imbalance Antibiotics create.

What About The Visit to the Dentist?

A Must for ANY Antibiotic Therapy

The most common effect of taking antibiotics is, (because it destroys the friendly bacteria that play a critical role in maintaining normal digestive function, when the antibiotics destroy these good bacteria) it results in a Yeast/Candidia overgrowth and a dysfunctional Microbiota.  This will then lead to a Yeast and/or Candidia infection.  This usually occurs after the consumption of sugar found in most foods that come in packages and have a shelf-life. 

To avoid this common side-effect, it is recommended anyone who takes an antibiotic to also take a probiotic.  Probiotics are the friendly bacteria needed to help re-establish the required beneficial bacteria (flora) to help restore balance to the digestive system. 

Taking a probiotic requires one dosage every time you eat a meal for a period of no less than 9 to 12 months.  Ideally you should figure 1 year to recover. 

In addition to the probiotic, there is a second supplement called Zymex which is designed to reduce and eliminate the excess amounts of Yeast/Candidia. This too is required every time you eat a meal for the same period of no less than 9 to 12 months.  Monitoring this condition is important.

Medicines Two Choices for You

Dr. Huntoon's Perspective

Dr. Huntoon's Perspective

Working with patients for the past 30 years and understanding the effects of antibiotics and any of the other Digestive System Disruptors becomes important if you want to help someone recover from these universal causes of our health concerns.  Addressing the biggest health epidemic in the world by addressing the resulting Yeast/Candidia imbalance that results from antibiotics etc., becomes paramount for your health and the health of your loved ones.  

Working with a Holistic Chiropractor is the best solution to dealing with this all too common health concern.  

If you, your spouse or your child(ren) have knowingly been exposed to Antibiotic treatment and the practitioner who prescribed them has not recommended a Probiotic to go along with it, you'll want to come into the office and get some.  Please keep in mind that for every week you are on an Antibiotic, you'll need 9 to 12 months of Probiotic to help replace what was lost. 

And appreciating that we consume Antibiotics in many of the refined natural foods such as milk and many of our meat products, you should really be on a Probiotic with every meal for life

We'll also want to consider checking for the need of Calcium Lactate and Cataplex C.  These will assist the body in strengthening the Immune System and its response to infection. 

And if you experience any of the above conditions mentioned and want to help to eliminate those, I would strongly recommend doing the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program.  This is a 3 week program designed to help eliminate all the accumulated toxins in your colon and the rest of your body from the imbalances left after taking Antibiotics.  The benefits of such a program are assisting in the elimination of all the conditions listed in the opening paragraph.  Cleaning out your body of all of your toxins will be the first step to restoring balance to your body and all of its systems.  And with the environment we live in being filled with toxins, this is necessary for anyone who truly wants to be healthy.

What to Discuss with Your Doctor

Lorem Ipsum

Your Solution

Your Solution  

Dr. Huntoon has 35 years in understanding and remedying this All-To-Common health concern.  In fact, it is the most common health condition in our society.  Just look at the list of conditions above and you will know the truth.

Working with a Holistic Chiropractor who is well versed in dealing with this condition is warranted.  The effects of antibiotic therapy is probably the number one cause of health imbalances in the United States.  Knowledge is power. 

Do Not let this side effect ruin your health or the health of your loved ones.


If you, your spouse or your child(ren) have knowingly been exposed to Antibiotic treatment and the practitioner who prescribed them has not recommended a Probiotic to go along with it, you'll want to come into the office and get some.  Please keep in mind that for every week you are on an Antibiotic, you'll need 9 to 12 months of Probiotic to help replace what was lost. 

And appreciating that we consume Antibiotics in many of the refined natural foods such as milk and many of our meat products, you should really be on a Probiotic with every meal for life

We'll also want to consider checking for the need of Calcium Lactate and Cataplex C.   These will assist the body in strengthening the Immune System and its response to infection. 

And if you experience any of the above conditions mentioned and want to help to eliminate those, I would strongly recommend doing the Doctor Supervised Detoxification Program.  This is a 3 week program designed to help eliminate all the accumulated toxins in your colon and the rest of your body from the imbalances left after taking Antibiotics.  The benefits of such a program are assisting in the elimination of all the conditions listed in the opening paragraph.  Cleaning out your body of all of your toxins will be the first step to restoring balance to your body and all of its systems.  And with the environment we live in being filled with toxins, this is necessary for anyone who truly wants to be healthy.