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Specific Health Concerns >> Treat Mild High Blood Pressure

In this video Dr. Huntoon talks about High Blood Pressure and what you need to consider BEFORE you begin Blood Pressure Medication.

Ask your Medical Doctor if taking the Blood Pressure Medication is going to address the CAUSE or the Effect of your high blood pressure.  When they do not have the answer you are looking for, call us.

We have been helping people maintain normal blood pressure WITHOUT MEDICATION for 30 years.

If you are interested in not going on Blood Pressure Medication for the rest of your life with needed blood tests every year to make sure they are not destroying your kidney's, we are here to help and would look forward to serving you.


To Attend A FREE Class on this Topic, click here

Should You Treat Mild High Blood Pressure With Drugs?

It sounds good, and even right.  Treat "mild hypertension," or even "prehypertension," now - with prescription drugs - to prevent disasters like a heart attack, stroke, or heart disease later. 

The only problem is those pesky little facts

A review of all the studies showed that anyone with a blood pressure (BP) of 169/99 or lower received no benefit from drug therapy and conversely, there is lots of harm. 

Much to the glee of the pharmaceutical industry, docs have simply assumed that there must be benefits to treating people with mild hypertension using powerful and expensive drugs, and that the benefits were greater than the harms.  After all, drug treatment does lower BP numbers. 

The real facts simply shock doctors, who should be telling their patients "there is no proven benefit to continuing drug treatment, and for sure, there will be harm."

What is mild hypertension?

It is a BP from 140/90 to 169/99.  That means that as long as your BP is below almost 170/100, there will be no benefit from drug treatment, and you will definitely be harmed.  Not exactly what you hear from your doctor, right? 

"We have maintained all along that drugs for mild hypertension up to 170/100 will provide the average patient (taking the drug for 30 years) statistically about a few weeks longer life!  Now I can say that we were wrong - it will not provide any benefit at all."

The drug companies have been ratcheting down "normals" over the past decades in order to sell more BP drugs for life - turning healthy patients into sick people.  Then it was 160/90, then 140/85, and now it's even lower. 

A New Development That Will Harm You

Medicine and the drug folks even cooked up a new category in 2003 called "pre-hypertension."  This was BP of from 120/80 to 139/89.  The idea was to treat "pre-hypertension" with expensive drugs early to avoid real hypertension later.

Thanks to the latest and real research presented by the Cochrane Collaboration, we now know for sure that the mild hypertension treatment was a cooked-up scam to sell drugs. 

Given that, the conception and treatment of "pre-hypertension" is even more absurd.  All this falls into a category of medical over-treatment - one of the greatest causes of death in this country.  Given this massive amount of physical suffering from BP drug induced invalidism, and the cumulative costs to Medicare and you, the whole thing is sickening.

If you have mild hypertension, discuss this article with your Medical doctor and get under the care of a Holistic Chiropractor

The Medical Perspective

You already understand the Medical Perspective.  Put a person on prescription medication FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIFE.  And never address the underlying CAUSE.

Medicines Two Choices for You

Your Solution

Take responsibility for your health, and take your treatment into your own hands.  Keep your BP normal with these common sense guidelines:

  • proper diet,
  • exercise, and
  • the right Whole Food Supplements. 
  • At minimum you should work with a Holistic Chiropractor who can assist you to:

1) Use Cardio-PlusMin-TranCalcium Lactate, and more.

2) Eat a Mediterranean diet and avoid fast, processed, and packaged foods.

3) Avoid the medical low-fat diet.

4) Exercise regularly, even if only a brisk and strong walk.

5) Use Deep Breathing id you are tense and full of stress (we have a free flyer if you want it - just call my office or send me a self addressed, stamped (with two stamps) envelope and say DEEP BREATHING.

6) Drink plenty of pure water, 1 quart for every 50 lbs. you weigh, every day.

So don't just take it from me.  Take it directly from the studies.  The Cochrane Collaboration reviews are by subscription only.  But you can find an abstract of this one at http://medicalconsumers.org/2012/08/18/drugs-for-mild-hypertension  Anything else you may hear on this subject is a scam.