My Child's Health >> PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated With Streptococcal Infections)
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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the 4 Causes of ALL Health Concerns, which most doctors fail to consider when looking for understanding with a child's health. They are quick to medicate.
PANDAS is not well understood in the Medical Community. Often times it is missed. If it is considered, the recommended treatment is ineffective, driving the problem deeper into the system.
Dr. Huntoon will change that for you. He looks forward to meeting with you to solve your child's health imbalances.
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Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) facts
What is PANDAS?
PANDAS is an acronym that refers to "Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections." It is diagnosed clinically after a patient develops a number of behavioral and physical symptoms following a streptococcal infection (for example, strep throat, sinusitis, cellulitis, or scarlet fever).
Is PANDAS Common?
PANDAS is reported as a rare condition, because it is poorly understood and not properly educated about in Allopathic Medicine Schooling. It is currently believed that approximately one in 2,000 children are affected, though the diagnosis may be overlooked due to some of the common symptoms associated with the disease. In fact, there are some researchers who recommend categorizing PANDAS as a subset of other disorders, which includes similar neuropsychiatric symptoms called CANS (Childhood Acute Neuropsychiatric Symptoms) or PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome).
What is the History of PANDAS?
PANDAS was first described in the late 1990s after investigators identified a subgroup of children who developed a sudden onset of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) symptoms, vocal and motor tics, and other behavioral changes. They identified that there was a common association in these children, and that was identified as a recent or active infection with a beta-hemolytic Streptococcus (Strep B), the bacteria that causes strep throat. Researchers also identified a number of other infectious agents, known to cause significant auto-inflammatory reactions associated with neuropsychiatric symptoms, including influenza, varicella (associated with Chicken Pox), and even Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease), but the diagnosis of PANDAS is limited to streptococcal infections.
What Are the Potential Complications of Strep Throat?
The possible complications of strep throat include
What Causes PANDAS?
Consensus opinion is that PANDAS is in part caused by an autoimmune response to a strep B infection. Streptococcus B is known to be associated with a number of immune-related disorders, including rheumatic fever, scarlet fever, and acute glomerulonephritis (a kidney disorder). The strep molecules are known to hide from the host Immune System by mimicking host cells. Ultimately, the immune system recognizes the foreign cells, and the antibodies produced attack the bacterium, and unfortunately, some of the host's own cells are attacked as well due to cross-reactivity. In some situations, these antibodies attack brain cells, causing OCD, tics, and the other symptoms frequently observed in PANDAS patients.
What are Risk Factors for PANDAS?
Multiple risk factors may play a role in the development of PANDAS, including
PANDAS is also more common in boys and prepubertal children.
What are Symptoms and Signs of PANDAS?
PANDAS symptoms are similar to those of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), and motor or verbal tics.
Other symptoms include
Symptoms tend to appear suddenly, and the recovery period is variable. Often the symptoms may worsen during streptococcal infections and improve in between.
What Type of Doctors Treat PANDAS?
Most children will first be seen by their pediatrician when symptoms develop. Further management requires referral to a psychiatrist or other mental-health professional who can prescribe medication and provide cognitive behavioral therapy. Other physicians that may aid in the management of PANDAS include a pediatric neurologist or behavioral developmental specialist.
How Do Health-care Professionals Diagnose PANDAS?
PANDAS is diagnosed clinically. That means that it depends more on history and physical examination rather than other specific studies. The following summarizes the five criteria used to diagnose PANDAS:
As mentioned above, there are five criteria used to diagnose the disorder and must include the sudden onset of OCD, tics, ADHD, or a rapid worsening of existing symptoms.
To make the diagnosis, one also needs evidence of a recent or active strep infection either by throat culture or by antibody testing for Streptococcus (for example, antistreptolysin O or antideoxyribonuclease B antibodies).
A onetime measurement of antibodies is not sufficient for the diagnosis; these antibodies should be measured at two different times (four to six weeks apart) to detect a rise in levels.
Along with the clinical diagnosis, it is important to be sure that there is not some other reason for the symptoms, and additional testing might be performed for that reason. In fact, distinguishing PANDAS from Tourette's syndrome (a common tic disorder), OCD, or Sydenham chorea (a movement disorder associated with rheumatic fever also caused by Streptococcus) is not always a simple task.
Dr. Huntoon has quite some experience treating and resolving PANDAS in several children over the past 25 years.
Initially brought to his attention from a very aware and well researched mother who thought her own daughter's health was being affected by PANDAS, she helped him begin to do research. In the course of understanding How to Eliminate the CAUSE, Dr. Huntoon developed a Unique 3 Step Treatment Process to remedy PANDAS and allow your child to go back to normal health and Neurological balance.
It is also vitally important to be aware of the effects of the antibiotic therapy given by the Medical Profession. This will create new problems associated with the Digestive System Disruptors, the Leaky Gut Syndrome and the litany of other health issues that result from these imbalances. Dr. Huntoon will help you restore balance to your child's health and is happy to answer ALL of your questions.
Working with a Holistic Chiropractor who can determine if your child has Strep B infection and has the proper treatment that does not involve Immune Suppression using heavy dosages of antibiotics is warranted. Asking about what is involved and what commitment levels and time frame is important.
What is the Medical Treatment for PANDAS?
Lots of Medications
First-line Medical treatments for PANDAS include
Medicines Two Choices for You
What are Complications of PANDAS?
PANDAS has not been associated with the development of heart issues as seen in children with rheumatic fever. Untreated or unrecognized PANDAS may increase the risk of having OCD and tic disorder into adulthood.
What is the Prognosis of PANDAS?
Though some children completely recover from PANDAS, there are some who develop persistent neuropsychiatric symptoms or develop worsening symptoms after each strep infection. It is not currently possible to predict which children will be affected or how severely. The mainstay of therapy is to decrease the OCD, tics, or other behaviors that might interfere with daily life and school.
Lorem Ipsum
Dr. Huntoon has quite some experience treating and resolving PANDAS in several children over the past 25 years. Initially brought to his attention from a very aware and well researched mother who thought her own daughter's health was being affected by PANDAS, she helped him begin to do research. In the course of understanding How to Eliminate the CAUSE, Dr. Huntoon developed a Unique 3 Step Treatment Process to remedy PANDAS and allow your child to go back to normal health and Neurological balance.
It is also vitally important to be aware of the effects of the antibiotic therapy given by the Medical Profession. This will create new problems associated with the Digestive System Disruptors, the Leaky Gut Syndrome and the litany of other health issues that result from these imbalances. Dr. Huntoon will help you restore balance to your child's health and is happy to answer ALL of your questions.
Working with a Holistic Chiropractor who can determine if your child has Strep B infection and has the proper treatment that does not involve Immune Suppression using heavy dosages of antibiotics is warranted. Asking about what is involved and what commitment levels and time frame is important.
Is It Possible To Prevent PANDAS?
For those children diagnosed with PANDAS, there is some evidence that prophylactic antibiotics may play a role in preventing the development of strep infections and therefore the worsening of symptoms.
However, there are side effects associated with daily antibiotic treatment, including diarrhea and the development of antibiotic resistance.
More studies need to be performed to be sure that the preventive treatment is truly effective. Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids has not shown to be effective in preventing PANDAS and is thus not recommended.
Murphy, T., et al. "Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome." Psychiatric Clinics of North America 37 (2014): 353-374.
Singer, H., et al. "Moving from PANDAS to CANS." Journal of Pediatrics 160.5 May 2012: 725-731.
Swedo, S.E., et al. "From research subgroup to clinical syndrome: Modifying the PANDAS criteria to describe PANS." Pediatric & Therapeutics 2.2 (2012).