Specific Health Concerns >> Parasites
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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses parasites and how they are commonly related to many chronic health concerns. This is important information for you to consider when looking at your own health.
When you are tired of all the run around at your doctors office, the endless tests, the continuous prescription medication and the discussion of surgery, consider having an evaluation with Dr. Huntoon to see if parasites are your underlying cause.
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Address Parasites Click Here
A parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host.
Parasites are a unique species of organisms in that they can "cloak" themselves from the Immune System and go undetected (similar to cancer, Lyme and other chronic health concerns that respond poorly to treatment) by the Immune System and continue to create health imbalances that you and your Medical Doctor will never consider looking for as the underlying cause for your difficult health concern.
There are three main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans: protozoa, helminths, and ectoparasites.
Protozoa are microscopic, one-celled organisms that can be free-living or parasitic in nature. They are able to multiply in humans, which contributes to their survival and also permits serious infections to develop from just a single organism. Transmission of protozoa that live in a human's intestine to another human typically occurs through a fecal-oral route (for example, contaminated food or water or person-to-person contact). Protozoa that live in the blood or tissue of humans are transmitted to other humans by an arthropod vector (for example, through the bite of a mosquito or sandfly).
Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan. A microscope is necessary to view this parasite. Credit CDC.
The protozoa that are infectious to humans can be classified into four groups based on their mode of movement:
An adult Ascaris lumbriocoides worm. They can range from 15 to 35 cm. (Credit CDC).
Helminths are large, multicellular organisms that are generally visible to the naked eye in their adult stages. Like protozoa, helminths can be either free-living or parasitic in nature.
In their adult form, helminths cannot multiply in humans. There are three main groups of helminths (derived from the Greek word for worms) that are human parasites:
Alternatively, the immature (larval) stages can cause disease through their infection of various body tissues. Some consider the helminths to also include the segmented worms (annelids)—the only ones important medically are the leeches. Of note, these organisms are not typically considered parasites.
Although the term ectoparasites can broadly include blood-sucking arthropods such as mosquitoes (because they are dependent on a blood meal from a human host for their survival), this term is generally used more narrowly to refer to organisms such as ticks, fleas, lice, and mites that attach or burrow into the skin and remain there for relatively long periods of time (e.g., weeks to months).
Arthropods are important in causing diseases in their own right, but are even more important as vectors, or transmitters, of many different pathogens that in turn cause tremendous morbidity and mortality from the diseases they cause.
Parasitic infections cause a tremendous burden of disease in both the tropics and subtropics as well as in more temperate climates. Of all parasitic diseases, malaria causes the most deaths globally. Malaria kills approximately 660,000 people each year, most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs), which have suffered from a lack of attention by the public health community, include parasitic diseases such as lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, and Guinea worm disease. The NTDs affect more than 1 billion people, one-sixth of the world's population, largely in rural areas of low-income countries. These diseases extract a large toll on endemic populations, including
However, parasitic infections also affect persons living in developed countries, including the United States.
If you experience exposure to Heavy Metals in any of the various forms, and if you suffer with vague symptoms of non-specific diseases that you MD can't seem to get a handle on, you may want to consider the possibility of Heavy Metal toxicity.
Heavy Metals are food sources for parasites. It is what will attract the parasite to the individual. Failure to address the Heavy metals, even if you address the parasites, will only cause the person to attract parasites again. DON'T LET THIS BE YOU!
If you suffer with digestive concerns from bouts of
Medicines Two Choices for You
What's Eatin' You?
This is an interesting question to consider for any of you who have traveled to foreign countries, or who tend to eat lots of seafood, tuna, sushi, or for those who have exposure to toxic heavy metals from fillings, antiperspirants, cooking utensils, cosmetics, copper plumbing, copper bottom stainless steel pans, grains and seeds treated with methyl mercury, auto exhaust or leaded gasoline, tobacco smoke, smog from coal burning, some soft waters, ceramics, inks, among many others.
If you do have contact with any of those listed, as most or all of us will, it is quite possible that you currently suffer from, or will suffer from, parasites. Therefore, it is important to appreciate that being exposed to these on a regular basis and their accumulation within the body (since they are too heavy to be excreted in a normal fashion) will cause one to attract parasites.
Parasites are quite interesting from the standpoint that they help the body get rid of the toxic effects of Heavy Metals. As mentioned in the previous link, once the metals enter the body, either through consumption, breathing, or through our skin, because of their heavy weight, they present a problem for excretion by the body. I aliken it to tossing a stone into a stream. The stream has a flow to it that allows the current to carry things within the stream away. Unfortunately, a stone will, regardless of the strength of the current, sink to the bottom where it can expect to stay until something comes along to move it.
Heavy Metals once in the body can create a myriad of different symptoms. Some of these will mimic serious health concerns, such as Multiple Sclerosis, as well as lead to other conditions such as Alzheimer's Disease. Depending upon where the Heavy Metals are deposited, in an effort to get them out of the bloodstream, the body will continually deposit them within the different parts and will cause their function to be affected as the metals accumulate. Continued exposure on a regular basis will likely lead to the body developing a myriad of different and vague symptoms.
Unfortunately, most Medical Doctors rarely consider this when evaluating patients for their symptoms.
How do they factor into this Heavy Metal accumulation?
Great question. Since the body is the sum total of all its parts, as one's chemistry changes, so does the body. Everyone can appreciate that water stops being water as soon as you add a drop of "lemon" to it.
Well the body changes as the Heavy Metals accumulate. Since each type of Heavy Metal resonates a specific frequency of energy, the overall chemistry and energetic frequency of the body begins to change. The body then starts resonating at a frequency that is unhealthy. This is when the body begins to be attractive to parasites.
Because the parasites are attracted to the frequencies the Heavy Metals give off. And since your body chemistry is off, your Immune Recognition System is compromised, allowing the parasites to walk right in. And what they do is go to work eating the Heavy Metals. This is actually a good thing, as it prevents their excess accumulation.
Unfortunately, parasites like variety in their diet, the same as you or I. So, in an effort to spice up their lives, so to speak, they will look for other aspects of the body to eat. And when they begin to partake in the different varieties your body has to offer, other health concerns develop.
Disc Problems and Herniated Discs
One of the main areas parasites will focus on is the Annulus Fibrosis associated with the discs that sit between your vertebrae. What's that you ask? It is the outer protective covering of your vertebral discs. These discs are the cushions that sit between your vertebrae or backbones. Designed to withstand the stress and strain we place upon the spine, the discs are vital for allowing flexibility and protection to the bones that house the spinal cord. Coming out between the vertebrae, in line with the discs, are the spinal nerves. Therefor, the integrity of these discs are important, if you want to protect the spinal nerves exiting the spinal column.
The Annulus Fibrosis is made of the toughest tissue within the body. Stronger than bones or teeth. After all, it has to act as protection, as well as provide flexibility for the spinal cord so we can move about. So the Annulus Fibrosis is made up of annular fibers, like the rings of a tree, that are oriented in a criss-cross pattern. What this means from a structural standpoint is the more stress placed upon the disc, the stronger it gets.
A visual might be the example of the Chinese finger cuffs. You can slide you fingers into them quite easily, but to pull the fingers out causes the cuffs to get tighter and stronger. The more you pull, the tighter and stronger it gets. The discs of your body work the same way.
So this begs the question, How would something that is supposed to get stronger when stressed, rupture and herniate when doing something like sports or lifting, etc?
Ideally it shouldn't. After all, I'm sure the creator of our wonderful bodies didn't create a system that would fail so easily under stress. It simply doesn't make sense.
In order for the Annulus Fibrosis to fail, something has to come along and compromise the integrity of the crisscrossed fibers. That's where the parasites come in. Since the Annulus is tough and fibrous, it mimics the consistency of Heavy Metals. And in an effort to have some variety in their lives, the parasites will begin to feed off the Annulus. Then, over time, the strength of the Annulus will be compromised and lessened. And the next time the disc is loaded, POP! The disc will rupture or herniate. Not fun, I assure you.
What Your Options Are: Parasite Treatment
Treating both Parasites and Heavy Metal toxicity is not a difficult thing. In fact, as a Holistic Chiropractor, I have been doing this for both myself and many of my practice members over the past 27 years. We apply a simple Unique 3 Step Process to eliminate the parasites, and a similar 3 Step Process to get rid of each Heavy Metal. And we add each of the Unique Parasite Nutritional Protocol and the Heavy Metal Nutritional Protocol and the person gets well.
Then we need to address the reason for why the Immune Recognition System failed and allowed the Heavy Metals and the Parasites to get into the body. This involves addressing the Digestive System Disruptors and the Leaky Gut Syndrome. Discuss what is involved when you have your Consultation with Dr. Huntoon. He is happy to explain all of it to you.
Your Two Choices
You could do nothing and continue to suffer health concerns that progressively get worse over time.
You could come in and have a Consultation and consider the treatment after having ALL your questions answered, and if you choose to go with care, CHANGE your health because you will have done something different. There are NO SIDE-EFFECTS and everyone we have helped has had their problems go away.
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