Specific Health Concern >> Psoriasis
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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses what your symptoms indicate and what you should be aware of when making a choice with your health.
Having any symptom is NOT NORMAL. Understanding what the symptom means and supporting balance within the body is prudent for health.
Skin Health is a reflection of your overall health. Having Psoriasis is quite alarming for those who have it. Making sure to have a proper evaluation and appropriate conservative care versus some of the radical Medical care is important to consider. Lifetime suppressive medication is not the answer!
Dr. Huntoon is ready to help you heal when you are ready to heal.
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address Psoriasis Click Here
Is There a Cure?
Psoriasis is a common skin disorder that forms thick, red, bumpy patches covered with silvery scales. They can pop up anywhere, but most appear on the scalp, elbows, knees, and lower back.
Psoriasis can't be passed from person to person. It does sometimes happen in members of the same family.
It usually appears in early adulthood. For most people, it affects just a few areas. In severe cases, it can cover large parts of the body. The rashes can heal and then come back throughout a person's life.
How Do I Know If I Have Psoriasis?
If you have a rash that isn’t healing, see your doctor.
No one knows the exact cause of psoriasis, but medical experts believe that it’s a combination of things. Something wrong with the immune system causes inflammation, triggering new skin cells to form too quickly. Normally, skin cells are replaced every 10 to 30 days. With psoriasis, new cells grow every 3 to 4 days. The buildup of old cells being replaced by new ones creates those silver scales.
Some things that can trigger outbreaks are:
Psoriasis starts as small, red bumps, which grow bigger and form scales. The skin appears thick but may bleed easily if you pick or rub off the scales.
Rashes may itch and skin may become cracked and painful . Nails may form pits, thicken, crack and become loose.
A pediatrician, dermatologist, or your primary care provider can make a diagnosis of psoriasis. While there are no tests to determine psoriasis, most often your doctor can tell if it's psoriasis by looking at your skin and by asking a few questions.
Since many people with psoriasis also have allergies, your doctor may perform allergy tests to determine possible irritants or triggers. Children with psoriasis are especially likely to be tested for allergies.
Luckily, there are many treatments. Some slow the growth of new skin cells, and others relieve itching and dry skin. Your doctor will select a treatment plan that is right for you based on the size of your rash, where it is on your body, your age, your overall health, and other things. Common treatments include:
Treatments for moderate to severe cases of psoriasis include:
Medicines Two Choices for You
Dr. Huntoon has worked with many people, old and young alike, who have presented with the diagnosis of Psoriasis. Continue reading below to understand what can be done to address the CAUSE of this very common, but not normal,
We do not recommend taking medications for this concern as a long term solution. Many of the recommended medications affect your large intestine and lungs, which is the controller of overall skin health. These include the steroids and the antibiotics, both of which will affect the health of the large intestine and lungs in a negative way. Making sure these two parent organs are healthy and functioning in a normal, healthy fashion is paramount to your skin condition. Taking suppressive medication will also affect the health of your liver. This too will lead to more skin concerns.
We recommend a specific whole food supplement designed to stop the inflammatory and autoimmune attack on the skin, along with some other anti-inflammatory whole food supplements to support the skin's ability to begin healing.
Dietary changes
Proper dietary advice under the direction of your Holistic Chiropractor helps eliminate the development of Skin disease in any part of the body. Since the skin is a direct reflection of your true feelings (think someone who is embarrassed and the flushing that happens automatically), it is important to address the suppressed emotions of having this condition and the emotions associated with how the person feels about themselves. Found in just about every case worked with at our office has demonstrated a lot of repressed and suppressed anger and similar emotions. This will be addressed using a powerful technique called NeuroEmotional Technique (NET).
Some people have found that limiting their caffeine intake, eating a low-sugar diet, or taking essential fatty acid supplements will reduce the symptoms of Eczema. However, there are no randomized controlled studies that show that these or any dietary changes are effective at relieving symptoms.
Working with a Holistic Chiropractor that understands how to do this for their patient becomes vital for the resolution of this serious concern.
Others have benefited by using Acupuncture, Homeopathy, and Naturopathy.
Is There a Cure?
There’s no cure, but traditional medical treatment greatly reduces symptoms, even in serious cases. Recent studies have suggested that when you better control the inflammation of psoriasis, the risk of heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and other diseases associated with inflammation also decrease.
Medicines Two Choices for You
We offer the following recommendations as a natural way to address your Psoriasis.
Dr. Huntoon has worked with many people, old and young alike, who have presented with the diagnosis of Psoriasis. Continue reading below to understand what can be done to address the CAUSE of this very common, but not normal,
We do not recommend taking medications for this concern as a long term solution. Many of the recommended medications affect your large intestine and lungs, which is the controller of overall skin health. These include the steroids and the antibiotics, both of which will affect the health of the large intestine and lungs in a negative way. Making sure these two parent organs are healthy and functioning in a normal, healthy fashion is paramount to your skin condition. Taking suppressive medication will also affect the health of your liver. This too will lead to more skin concerns.
We recommend a specific whole food supplement designed to stop the inflammatory and autoimmune attack on the skin, along with some other anti-inflammatory whole food supplements to support the skin's ability to begin healing.
Dietary Changes
Proper dietary advice under the direction of your Holistic Chiropractor helps eliminate the development of Skin disease in any part of the body. Since the skin is a direct reflection of your true feelings (think someone who is embarrassed and the flushing that happens automatically), it is important to address the suppressed emotions of having this condition and the emotions associated with how the person feels about themselves. Found in just about every case worked with at our office has demonstrated a lot of repressed and suppressed anger and similar emotions. This will be addressed using a powerful technique called NeuroEmotional Technique (NET).
Some people have found that limiting their caffeine intake, eating a low-sugar diet, or taking essential fatty acid supplements will reduce the symptoms of Eczema. However, there are no randomized controlled studies that show that these or any dietary changes are effective at relieving symptoms.
Working with a Holistic Chiropractor that understands how to do this for their patient becomes vital for
Others have benefited by using Acupuncture, Homeopathy
Long-term Outlook
According to the Medical Profession, the specific cause of Psoriasis isn’t fully understood. Consider that before starting any medical care, as treating something you do not understand, especially with harsh medications known to have side-effects, is not the BEST way to solve a problem.