Health and Wellness >> The Keys To Weight Loss
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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the Key To Getting Your Body To Burn Fat!
Knowing this information and the information in the article below are the understandings you need to get on the Road To Permanent Weight Loss.
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Applying simple principles will help you lose all the weight you want.
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Being overweight is one of the single most common causes of chronic disease. Among developed countries, the United States has the most obese and overweight people.
According to Jean Lemaire, Wharton professor of insurance and actuarial science: "Americans are much heavier than they were 10 years ago and much heavier than other people around the world." Professor Lemaire further states, "Life expectancy in the U.S., which is among the richest countries, only ranks 48th in the world. Being overweight is comparable to having diabetes or having high blood pressure. It is a true diagnosable disease that affects life expectancy."
The same report quoted the article:"The Effects of Obesity, Smoking and Drinking on Medical Programs and Costs" as published in the Journal of Health Affairs, that individuals who are obese have 30 to 50 percent more chronic medical problems than those who smoke or drink heavily.
Specifically, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) notes that being overweight or obese increases the risk of many diseases and health conditions, including
This article will give you the secrets to not only losing weight but becoming as healthy as possible.
The Medical approach to weight loss involved medications to suppress your appetite, thereby depriving you of the food needed by the body to function properly. This will create other problems over time.
Surgical Weight Loss seems to be becoming all the rage. The likelihood of you being able to be healthy long term after having any of the numerous surgical procedures to help you lose weight is impossible.
Consider all your options and make sure you have all your questions answered about the long term outcomes and results to having this form of care.
A breakthrough study by Dr. P Webb, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, revealed that calorie intake alone was not sufficient to predict weight loss. Most people believe that you lose weight by cutting calories and fat, by eating only one meal a day, or by only eating certain foods, or by starving yourself.
What are Calories?
Calories are the measurement of potential energy in food. If you take into your body more energy than you need, the body will convert it into stored fat. In the same manner, if you consume less calories than your body needs, it will break down fat to make energy. The result would be your body losing weight.
Research has shown that your body will adjust to a lower calorie diet by lowering its demand for calories, if you then return to eating the same way you used to, you will immediately put back the weight that you had lost.
The three glands whose hormones are most related to your weight are:
The Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands secrete many hormones, and one of these hormones, cortisol, is related to weight loss, energy and sleep. Cortisol breaks down fat into sugar, and when there is a problem with cortisol, weight loss can be difficult. There are many quick and simple ways to check if your adrenal glands are functioning properly, and one of the easiest of these is called "Ragland's Test."
Ragland's is a simple test to check the functioning of the adrenals by taking a person's blood pressure in 3 positions, sitting, followed by standing, followed by laying down. Your blood pressure should rise 10 points or more when going to the standing position and should lower 10 points or more when going to the lying down position. If it rises less than this or if it remains below the original blood pressure amount when standing, then this is indicative of Adrenal Gland Exhaustion. If it gets higher after lying down from a standing position, this too is indicative of Adrenal Gland Exhaustion.
To rebuild these glands you would need to greatly reduce (eliminate) caffeine, reduce daily stress and take Adrenal Building Supplements.
Thyroid hormones are also involved with weight gain and fatigue. They speed up or slow down the conversion of sugar to energy in order to keep your body's temperature at a constant 98.6 degrees.
People with slow thyroids have trouble losing weight, get cold easily, have dry skin, feel tired and can lose their hair.
Thyroid problems may not always show up in blood tests. A simple test for thyroid function is to take your temperature under the arm for two minutes immediately upon awakening. It should read 97.6 degrees or higher. If your temperature is subnormal, there may be a need to supplement your diet with iodine and other vital nutrients.
The hormones secreted by the pancreas affect your weight as they determine if food is converted to energy or fat. Carbohydrates and sugars are broken down during digestion into simple sugars. Insulin is required to have the cells take these simple sugars from the blood to use for energy. If there is a lack of insulin, these simple sugars do not go into your cells and your blood sugar rises. If this becomes chronic, this is Type II Diabetes.
The other pancreatic hormone is glucagon. This hormone is released when you do not have enough simple sugar in the blood to provide energy. Glucagon takes fat from your body and converts it into simple sugar. This causes weight loss. When insulin is even slightly high in the blood, your body determines that there is enough energy supply and glucagon is not released. As a result, fat is not broken down and you do not lose weight.
We consume on average over 120 pounds of sugar each year. The pancreas produces higher and higher amounts of insulin to handle this overload. At some point, the cells become "insulin resistant" and close their walls and stop allowing insulin to do its job. Insulin then builds up in the blood. The body becomes insulin resistant and glucagon is no longer released, which results in you not being able to lose weight. It is highly recommended that you stop drinking and eating all sugar products.
You control insulin levels by eating lean proteins, complex carbohydrates such as non-gluten whole grains, in addition to vegetables, and good fats. A high protein meal decreases insulin and increases glucagon levels, thus reducing stored fat and helping with weight loss.
Remember, trans-fatty acids such as: Margarine, vegetable shortening, and fried foods such as doughnuts, french fries, and other deep-fried fast food items, are dangerous at any level. Trans-fatty acids are also widely used in commercially prepared foods containing partially hydrogenated oils such as: crackers, cookies, cakes, pastries, microwave popcorn and other snack foods. According to Walter Willet, MD., of Harvard School of Public health: "Eating Trans-fatty acids, particularly margarine, kills form 30,000 to 100,000 people every year from heart disease."
Each of us had heard that you must consume enough vegetables and fruits every day, but do you know why? Vegetables and fruits are a primary food source that contain the micronutrients that can destroy free radicals. The accumulation of stress, pollution and lack of nutrients results in the formation of an enemy to the body called "free radicals." A free radical is an atom that has been altered in the body. This highly reactive atom comes about from such things as tobacco smoke, toxins and/or pollutants. Free radicals can damage cells, proteins and DNA by altering their chemical structure. Over time, free radicals destroy the cells of your body. Vegetables and fruits contain micronutrients and antioxidants that destroy free radicals. According to the Institute of Food Research, having enough fruits and vegetables in your diet can drastically reduce your risk of cancer, heart attack and stroke. Researchers at Harvard School of Public Health examined the relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption and the risk of stroke. It was found that men and women who consumed 5 to 6 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables per day were 31 percent less likely to suffer from a stroke, and that risk may decrease by as much as 6 percent per daily serving.
The recommended amount of water that you should consume in a day can be determined by drinking 1 quart of water for every 50 lbs. you weigh, every day. So the old adage of eight - 8 oz. glasses would be enough if you weighed a mere 100 lbs. The more you weigh, the more you must drink in an effort to keep all your cells properly hydrated.
In a study published in Environmental Science and Technology, drugs such as antibiotics, hormones, strong pain killers, tranquilizers, as well as those used in chemotherapy, have been measured in surface, ground, and tap water. By comparison, the U.S. water supply has 10 times the antibiotics as the German water supply! You must drink spring or mineral water only.
Exercise builds muscle mass. Muscle cells are where metabolism occurs. Metabolism determines how fast or how slow your body converts the food you eat into energy your body can use. Since metabolism occurs primarily in muscle tissue, the more muscle mass that you have, the more metabolic activity that occurs. Metabolism converts food to energy. If there is not enough metabolism -- food becomes fat.
Women have a 10 percent slower metabolism than men, and that's why they have more of a problem with weight gain and are slower to lose weight. Exercise is movement; it could be dancing, golf, tennis, kayaking, hiking, or taking a walk. Exercise is important for more reasons than weight loss.
A California State University study found that a 10 minute walk is enough to increase energy, alter mood, and affect a positive outlook for up to 2 hours. A study conducted by Harvard University concluded that brisk walking at least 30 minutes a day could reduce the incidence of breast cancer in women by as much as 70 percent. Therefore, to lose weight and be healthy, you must look at how active you are and what you are doing to increase muscle mass.
To lose weight you need to increase muscle mass. Muscle cells are where energy is made by the body. The more muscles you have the more you turn sugar into energy. The less muscle you have the more you turn sugar into fat. The primary barrier to increasing muscle mass is the low level of physical activity most Americans engage in. In essence we are couch potatoes.
One of the main reasons people choose not to be active is the amount of physical pain they are in. The Gallup Organization in Princeton, NJ, recently surveyed American adults regarding pain. The report was entitled Pain in America. The report found that 89 percent of adult Americans had "some sort of pain on a monthy-or-more basis."
If the cause of your pain is not apparent, such as a recent fall, it is most likely due to undetected nerve damage. Americans experience thousands of traumas from falls growing up, contact sports, auto-accidents and repetitive motion injuries related to their jobs. These traumas can leave a person with undetected nerve damage that not only can cause pain but which also interferes with normal digestion and metabolism. The combination of pain, digestive problems and a lack of metabolism can all contribute to problems with weight. Therefore a complete program to become healthy, in addition to losing weight, would involve the evaluation of the negative effects of past traumas.
Your Key To Health and Wellness
Dr. Huntoon has quite a track-record with helping people lose weight. He has had several people lose in excess of 100 pounds, all without exercise or surgery. It comes down to feeding a starving body real food so the body can eliminate the stored excess from all the Completely Refined And Processed (CRAP) foods. When you address the body based on what the body is asking for and what it is trying to solve, using the 7 Pillars of Health, weight management is not an issue.
As a Holistic Chiropractor with a Wellness Based Practice, we consider every aspect related to your health in general, in order to design an individual program to restore you to your ideal weight and vitality. Each person needs a program designed to their specific needs. Therefore, each person should be consulted and tested to determine the program that would work best for them.
Having helped several people lose more than 100 lbs without drugs or surgery, I feel we are equipped to support you in your weight loss goals and success.
And if you have questions, Please call (845)561-BACK or (845)561-2225 and set up a time for us to Consult and Evaluate you and the many Health Needs you or your family member may have. Let us answer ALL your questions, most importantly, "WHY?"
You deserve it and are certainly worth it. Don't you think?
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