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Chronic/Pain Conditions  >>    Torticollis

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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the condition of Chronic pain and what you need to consider to help your condition naturally.

Consider clicking on any of the links to your right or scroll down to read the full article.

Please go to www.nrc.md and watch how this natural technique is changing people's lives who suffer with pain.  Dr. Huntoon is certified in this technique.

We look forward to meeting you.

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Address Torticollis Click Here

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Wry neck; Loxia
Torticollis is a twisted neck in which the head is tipped to one side, while the chin is turned to the other.
Causes, Incidence and Risk Factors

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Torticollis may be:

  • Inherited -- due to changes in your genes
  • Acquired -- develops as a result of damage to the nervous system, upper spine, or muscles

If the condition occurs without a known cause, it is called idiopathic torticollis.

Torticollis may develop in childhood or adulthood. Congenital torticollis (present at birth) may occur if the baby's head was in the wrong position while growing in the womb, or if the muscles or blood supply to the neck are injured.

Signs, Tests and Diagnosis

Signs and Tests


  • Limited range of motion of the head
  • Headache
  • Head tremor
  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder that is higher on one side of the body
  • Stiffness of the neck muscles
  • Swelling of the neck muscles (possibly present at birth)

Signs and tests

Tests or procedures may be done to rule out possible causes of head and neck pain.

A physical examination will show:

  • Head tilts toward the affected side while the chin points to the opposite side
  • Shortening of the neck muscles
  • The entire head pulls and turns to one side (in more severe cases)

Tests that may be done include:

  • CT scan of the neck
  • Electromyogram (EMG) to see which muscles are most affected
  • MRI of the brain

Medicines Two Choices for You

Traditional Medical Treatment Options

The Medical Perspective

Surgery to correct the neck muscle may be done in the preschool years, if ALL other treatment methods fail.

Torticollis that is caused by damage to the nervous system, spine, or muscles is treated by identifying the cause of the disorder.

Applying heat, traction to the cervical spine, and massage may help relieve head and neck pain. This is best done by working with a Holistic Chiropractor.

Stretching exercises and neck braces may help with muscle spasms between visits to your Holistic Chiropractor.


Medications may be used, including the anticholinergic drug baclofen.  As with any medication, understanding the risks and side-effects of the medication should be considered before starting any medication regime.

Injecting botulinum toxin can temporarily relieve torticollis, but repeat injections are usually needed every 3 months.  As with any medication, understanding the risks and side-effects of the medication should be considered before starting any medication regime.


Surgery of the spine might be needed when the torticollis is due to dislocated vertebrae. In some cases, surgery involves destroying some of the nerves in the neck muscles, or brain stimulation.

Medicines Two Choices for You

Dr. Huntoon's Alternative Medicine Perspective


Dr. Huntoon has several techniques he uses to address Torticollis.  Using P-DTR has been the most effective in eliminating this condition.  Addressing the underlying imbalances within a person's system is important and we use a holistic approach in solving this condition once and for all.

Different types of manual therapy, or mobilization, can be used to treat people with spinal alignment problems. For acute Torticollis, these techniques have been shown to speed recovery. 

Treating torticollis that is present at birth involves stretching the shortened neck muscle. Working with a Holistic Chiropractor is the best method for doing this and offers you the best chance of a full recovery.  Passive stretching and positioning are used in infants and small children. These are applied between visits to your Holistic Chiropractor.  This form of care is often successful, especially if they are started within 3 months of birth.  Discussing the time frame and commitment level with your doctor is prudent before beginning a treatment plan.

Many have also had success by seeing an acupuncture specialist, a Homeopath or a Naturopath.

Your Solution


Dr. Huntoon has several techniques he uses to address Torticollis.  Using P-DTR has been the most effective in eliminating this condition.  Addressing the underlying imbalances within a person's system is important and we use a holistic approach in solving this condition once and for all.

Working with a Holistic Chiropractor who specializes in these conditions is important.  Developing a well-rounded, multifaceted approach to restoring balance to your body and eliminating the underlying cause of your pain is important.  Discussing the time frame and commitment level with your doctor is prudent before beginning a treatment plan.