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If Healing Takes Place At All?
Healing is defined as the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again.
But what does that mean as far as my health concerns go?
Healing is a process.
A better question is,
What did I do (or what do I continue to do), that creates bad health outcomes that I experience as a health concern/disease/symptom?
Healing takes time.
Our Current Model of “Health”
Healing involves and requires having the right circumstances to allow the body to repair and rebuild itself to the point of returning it back to balance; back to harmony; back to homeostasis. And for everyone, this is a different formula. True, the practice of Medicine will lead you to believe one of two things:
- Either you have a condition and will need to take medication for the rest of your life, as is the case with high blood pressure or high cholesterol or diabetes OR until the problem resolves itself like a bacterial infection as an example.
- You will need to undergo surgery to remedy the condition by repairing the problem, as in a rotator cuff injury OR removing the problem as is the case with gallbladder surgery, cancer or a herniated disc.
And in the process of doing either of these options, you will be “treated” just like everyone else who has the same diagnosis. It is a One-Size-Fits-All process, except this does not work.
You will be run through a specific protocol as determined by the doctors based on your health insurance coverage. And the doctors and hospitals will do all they can to maximize the care they can provide. The problem with this is, maximizing care is NOT for your benefit; it is, in fact, for their benefit. It is the Business of Medicine.
Upon determining what your health insurance will pay for, assuming you have health insurance coverage, they will find the maximum protocol based on a system of diagnostic codes that are attached to what can be expected to be recovered monetarily. This drives the type of care a person receives. Have good coverage and you can expect to receive the maximum amount of care possible, even if the care is not necessary. It is designed to create profit for the practitioner and the facility they work for.
If you do not have Health Insurance, minimalistic care will be offered to meet the “standards of care” for the un-insured. If you are in the Hospital Emergency Room, which is where all un-insured or under-insured people go, you should expect to receive minimal care simply because the hospital understands they will never get paid for the care they administer. This is why most people will not go to the doctor if they do not have coverage. This is a problem unto itself. And the answer is not in making everyone pay into a system that is not designed to get results anyone would want.
Being placed on life-time medication or having body altering surgery you may not be able to live with resulting in life-time medication is also NOT a solution.
And believe it or not, this mentality of “treating” your condition naturally is also adopted in the Alternative Health Care field. It is the Business Model of a healthy practice to “treat” as many people as possible for the rest of their life. Keeping someone healthy is a good practice. Except this becomes a problem when the provider is not addressing the root of the problem.