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Health and Wellness  >>    What's Your Story?

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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses

"Are Having Symptoms A Normal Part of Aging?"

The answer is absolutely NO!

We enjoy changing people's lives by restoring their ideal health.

Being healthy and staying healthy is not difficult.  With some proper guidance, you too can grow old gracefully.

We look forward to serving you.

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What’s Your Story?

We all have one.

And we all tell it every day. 

We meet someone new and tell them our story.

We see someone we know and we tell them our story.

We are conditioned to ask someone, “How are you?”  And that is the entry way to their story.  And so they share their story.  And if we are a friend, we will support their story by reinforcing the story they tell.  We will identify them as their story and we will perpetuate their story when we introduce them to our friends.  And the person will become their story.  Even if, and it seems especially if, the story is not a pleasant story. 

What Is YOUR Story?

What is your story?

  • How does your story define who you are today?
  • How does your story influence your decisions?
  • How does your story influence your relationships?
  • How does your story influence your finances?
  • How does your story influence your health?
  • How does your story limit your possibilities?


Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the story you tell yourself with every choice you make influences the outcomes that you experience, and reinforces your story you continue to tell. 

And if your story isn’t one that welcomes change, makes you feel excited and offers you a feeling of enthusiasm, then

  • The story you are telling is going to keep you stuck;
  • The story you are telling is going to limit your possibilities;
  • The story you are telling is going to make your life difficult;
  • The story you are telling is going to suck the life out of you, cause you to develop health concerns and shorten your life expectancy.

What is your story?


A wise person once said, “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always gotten.”

What Were You Told?

What were you told?

What you do is based on what you tell yourself.  And if what you tell yourself is something someone else made you feel to be true:

Things like:

  • “I’m not good enough!”
  • “I’m not smart enough!”
  • “I’m not rich enough!”
  • “I’m not safe enough!”
  • “I’m not enough!”

then you will have troubles succeeding in life and you will develop, dare I even say, you will collect problems, health concerns and lead a challenged life.

Perhaps the person who told you those things, maybe a parent or other loved one, felt that way about themselves and therefore perpetuated their truth on you.  The challenge is, you went into agreement with it and have created a life based upon that belief, given to you by someone other than you creating your own.

No one wants that.  I certainly don’t want that for you, which is why I do all the things I do to help others lead a more successful life by focusing on their health and help them restore and take control of their health.

Do You Have A Health Concern?

Do you have a health concern? 

If so, what is your story? 

What is the story you tell yourself that justifies your health concern, reinforces your health concern and keeps you stuck in your health concern?

I recently went to a “support group” to meet the members in the group that suffer from a difficult and debilitating neurological condition to see what they were about.  I already knew what they were about, as the name of the group told the whole story.  I went to see if any of them would be open to “changing their story.” 

Because I was new to their group, I stood out as an outsider.  I did not have the health issue they all had.  The “group leader” and I had communicated via e-mail and I told her I had a different perspective on the condition and had helped many people with their concern, and would it be OK if I attended the meeting?  She agreed and welcomed me to come to their next meeting, sent me their Newsletter and gave me the location and date for their monthly meeting.  I told her I wanted to sit in and see what they were about and asked her to investigate who I am and what I do and how it might be beneficial for her group by going to my website and doing some reading about what I do and to ask me any questions, if she had any.   She said she would an looked forward to meeting me.

When I arrived at the meeting, I came in, introduced myself to the group leader, reminded her of our communication and she thanked me for coming.  They had a “Guest Speaker” scheduled to share some services that would help the person with “their” condition feel better.  I sat through the presentation and when it came time to ask questions, I introduced myself and offered to the participants some encouragement about what was just presented and how it could help each of them find some relief.

What happened next was unexpected and certainly unintended; I was asked who I was, what I did and if I had any information that may be helpful to the group.  I asked the “group leader” if answering the question was OK and she said yes.  So I got up in front of the group and gave them a simple presentation on what I do and the great success I had a eliminating the concern they all suffered from.  I explained the method and the science behind my approach and what someone would experience as a result of going through the simple 3 step process.  I offered to come back to a future meeting to get more into the understanding of how the process works and the “group leader” said she would have to “talk” to the board members to get me on their list of presenters, most likely for the next meeting.  She said they did not have a presenter as of now and didn’t see it as being a problem for me to come back and present.  I thanked her and the group for their time and said I would look forward to answering any of their questions, and I left them with my business card.  One woman contacted me before I was able to drive home and e-mailed me a couple of times where we discussed the 3 step process to eliminate the concern.  She told me she would schedule an appointment, which she did a couple days later, only to cancel and never call back. 

I never did hear back from the “group leader” and nothing became of the interaction.

“Why?” you may be thinking.

The “Why?” is the person’s, and in this case, the group’s story.

Their story is their condition.  Their story is how they justify feeling the way they feel and the life they have created as a result of their condition.  Their story is their truth.  They have created a whole life based on their story.  And they even have a whole group of individuals that support their story being true.  So they have become comfortable with their story.  They identify as their story.  They invest and protect their story.  They are stuck in their story.  They are closed off to getting help, true help, for their concern.  They are convinced that their condition is beyond help.  Why?  Because that is the story they tell themselves in every waking moment of every day.  They live it!  They embody it!  They become it!

So, what is your story?  Is it one you are proud to share because it is a fun filled and an adventurous story?   Or is it one that keeps you stuck?

If it is the latter, do you choose to stay there?

Your Opportunity 

Your Opportunity

If you’d like to change your story and start living a story that is one you truly enjoy, call me at 845-561-2225 and let’s address the story you are currently telling and let’s find you a New Story.  One you can live with and be proud to share that people are happy to hear.

I look forward to serving you!

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