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Health and Wellness  >>    Precepts of the Divine Heart

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In this video, Dr. Huntoon discusses the 4 Causes of ALL Health Concerns and what you should be aware of when making your health choices.  

When you have a health concern, the most important thing you could understand BEFORE beginning care is


Do Not begin care until you have an answer to that very important question.

When you are ready for help, we are here to serve you.  We look forward to it!

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Precepts of the Divine Heart                  Listen To Our Radio Show: Ask Dr. "Why?" 

1) There is one particular thought and one particular way of living that constitutes the difference between Human Beings and Divine Beings and that thought is:"There is no such thing as impossible". If you believe that "impossible" is possible then you are a human being. If you think, live and breathe that impossible does not and cannot exist, then you are operating in the realm of the Divine. Think and embrace this with all your Heart and your journey into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth has begun!

2) In any situation whatsoever that life presents to us, it is always best to act with Love and kindness rather than with anger and force. Applying Love will take less of a toll on your nerves, health and peace of mind and it will always produce the best results in the long run for all concerned. And if the desired outcome cannot be accomplished through Love then no amount of anger and force will accomplish that particular outcome, assuming that it was desirable to begin with!

3) Love is so essential to the Divine Plan that each individual soul contains an unlimited number of soul mates within it. Even though loneliness is an illusion, to experience it serves as a constant reminder that Love is the true essence of all. Your success in life depends upon how well you participate in the spreading of Divine Love and Joy! The very cells of your body communicate Love from one to another!

Precepts 4 - 6

4) Love is more passionate than fire, more rarefied than the purest air, more real than Earth and more flowing than water. Like water, if you try to stop the flow of Love then it simply finds another place to flow. One who encourages the flow of Love is inviting a torrent of all good things into their life!

5) Your personal role in the Divine Plan will unfold in the best possible way when you avoid unnecessary confusion and entanglements and keep everything simple and straightforward. Like electricity, the Divine always takes the path of least resistance. If you want blessings to flow into your life, be certain at all times that like electricity, you are a suitable conductor!

6) All EnLIGHTenment begins with light and that is why the first thing that God spoke was "Let there be light". Begin by sitting comfortably and visualizing white light surrounding you, three different times each day, for thirty days. Use soft light at first and gradually intensify the light each day. The light you visualize must gradually become so strong that it can reach deep into every cell of your body. When this intensity of light is reached the cells of your body will initiate a self-illumination process. This is known as Lightbody Activation.

Precepts 7 - 9

7) Your Heart is a gateway to infinity! You are nearest to God in every moment of your greatest joys and raptures! The Creation intends for every Heart to be filled to overflowing with Love, Joy, Wonderment, Wisdom and Bliss! Unleashing the Limitless Potential of the Divine Heart is Key to all personal and spiritual development. This is the essence of all Religion and the beginning of all genuine Enlightenment!

8) Upon reaching a state of Oneness with the Creator you will realize that the Universe contains two principal polarities and both of them exist within you and within the All That Is in every Dimension. These are the Inquisitor or "the Seeker" and the Unlimited Potential or "The Creation"; in the East these are called Yin and Yang. This was done by The Creation to ensure that Love would perpetuate through time, space and Eternity! One must then create a Sacred Covenant with God for the purpose of defining how the Inquisitor and The Creation will unfold further soul growth and progress together. Remember always that an unlimited number of Answers, Angels, Comforters and Healers are available instantly to every sincere Seeker!

9) Your Relationship to God is no more and no less your relationship both to yourself and to all else in your awareness and beyond. Therefore increase your world with many diverse companions and think twice before ending any friendship. Let your arms stretch across spacious galaxies and let your heart embrace every distant star!

The Medical Perspective

The Medical Perspective

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Your Solution and Doc Rick's Final Words

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Dr. Huntoon has spent his whole life empowering people to take control of their life. Having 30 years of treating patients and knowing how to unwind the reason for giving your power away will help put you back in control of yourself and your life.  We look forward to serving you.

Follow your heart in everything you do.  Cultivate a relationship with your heart's desire, nurture this relationship and always lead with what truly exists in your heart and you will never be lost.  If you need help doing this, I am happy to help you, as I have written a book to assist with this process.  It is called Make a Quantum Leap in your Consciousness on the Road To Ascension and is available through Amazon or through Author House under Dr. Richard A Huntoon.

Please call (845)561-BACK or (845)561-2225 and set up a time for us to Consult and Evaluate you and the many Health Needs you or your family member may have.  

You deserve it and are certainly worth it.  Don't you think?

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